Reference no: EM132925887
Question 1
In the constitutional law there are various sources of law evident there and the constitution is given priority over the others. Outline four ways which the supremacy of the constitution is manifested in the country.
Question 2
1. Why, in chronic disease anaemia, are serum iron and the total ironbinding capacity (TIBC) low?
2. Why, in sideroblastic anaemia with increased levels of serum iron, is the TIBC normal?
Question 3
What is the red cell distribution width (RDW) value above which anisocytosis can be diagnosed?
Question 4
Is anisocytosis diagnostic of iron deficiency anaemia?
Question 5
In the case of a patient who has been treated with streptokinase and has bleeding complications in the form of haematemesis, haemoptysis or similar, how can the effect of streptokinase on the coagulation system be reversed, and can tranexamic acid help?
Question 6
We know that salmonella infection is a common complication in patients with sickle cell anaemia. Is this true for patients with thalassaemia major and, if so, why?
Question 7
Is there an antidote for low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH)? Can Enoxaprin be used?
Question 8
1. What is the mechanism of the action of aprotinin?
2. What is the therapeutic window for aprotinin?
3. In a case of haemorrhagic stroke, how many days should aprotinin be prescribed for and what is the recommended dosage?
Question 9
My question is, what are thrombophilia scan tests? Can we use these in patients on anticoagulant therapy?
Question 10
In thromboembolic disorders, how is clopidogrel superior to aspirin?