What is the mc of increasing production from 0 to 1

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13222334

Kaufmann, Inc. is a textile firm specializing in linen tablecloths. The following table shows its total cost of production.

Quantity Total Cost
(Dollars per hour)
(Tablecloths per hour)

0 60
1 80
2 90
3 105
4 128
5 160
6 210

Kaufmann's average total cost (ATC) using the green points (triangle symbols), plot its average variable cost (AVC) using the purple points (diamond symbols), and plot its marginal cost (MC) curve using the orange points (square symbols).

For ATC and AVC, plot the points on the integer: for example, the ATC of producing one tablecloth is 80, so you should start your ATC curve by placing a green triangle at the point (1, 80). For MC, plot the points between integers: for example, the MC of increasing production from 0 to 1 tablecloth is 20, so you should start your MC curve by placing an orange square at the point (0.5, 20).

Reference no: EM13222334

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