Reference no: EM1358829
Q. A bola is a weapon often used to hunt both small and large. The length of a coard between the central knot and the end where the mass is located is about 60.0 [cm]. A single mass on the end of the bola has a mass of about 0.25 [kg]. When swung around overhead, each of the masses moves in a circle around the central know, which is held in the hand. Let's focus on one of the masses. The mass goes through 4.33 [rev/s] once it has reached it maximum heights.
1. What is the max. angular speed of the mass in SI units?
2. What is the radial acceletation experience by the mass while it remains at its max. angular speed?
3. What is the radial force experienced by the mass while at its max angular speed?
4. What force is "acting" as the radial force in this case?
5. What is the maximum speed of the mass?
6. Now originall the mass was motionless but later is going through a 4.33 [rev/s] when it has reached its max. angular speed. Assuming it stays on the same circular path the entire time with a constant radius, what is the necessart constant angular acceleration if it taked the mass 1.522[s] to reach its max. angular speed?
7. What is the constant tangential acceleration of the mass experience during this time?
8. How many radians does the mass move through during that time?
9. How many meters does the mass move through during that time?