What is the market share between the 5 packages

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133529419

Part 1 : Use the table provided here to answer the questions below:

1) which attribute is the most important and what is the decision weight of each attribute
2) What is the market share between the following 3 packages (hint: Conjoint video last two slides; assume a constant of zero; the utilities shown are already the result of beta*designcode):

(a) 3 game pack at $15 per seat at 300 level behind baskets with no promotional item
(b) 6 game pack at $60 per seat at 200 level with priority for playoffs
(c) 10 game pack at $25 per seat at 300 level midcourt with hot dog and soda

Part 2: Add the following packages to the set of packages found in the table for part 1 above (i.e. for a total of 5 packages in the analysis):

1) a 6 game pack at $35 per seat per game at 300 level on the corners with a $20 gift certificate

2) a 10 game pack at $60 per seat per game at 200 level with apparel

And then, answer the following questions:

a) What is the market share between the 5 packages

b) Which of the original 3 packages has suffered the greatest decline in market share by adding the 2 additional packages?

c) Which set of packages would you recommend to the Trailblazers, the original set of 3 or the new set of 5? For this:

use 10,000 as the total number of packages sold in either case

for costs, use the numbers below .

assume cost for ticket and seat = $0 (marginal cost not quite zero but we'll keep it simple)

assume costs of $3 per game for hot dog and soda, one time $20 for apparel, one time $10 for the gift certificate, and no cost for priority and "no item"

watch for the number of games in each pack when calculating revenues

Reference no: EM133529419

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