What is the market like for a federal budget analyst

Assignment Help Accounting Basics
Reference no: EM132501714

Part 1

In a short essay answer the following questions:

Question 1: What's the market like for a federal budget Analyst?

Question 2: Is the demand for employees increasing, decreasing, or remaining steady?

Question 3: Does the geographic region play a role?

Question 4: Does specialization within the field matter?

Use the internet to locate journal articles, books, and other sources that will enable you to identify information about your industry or field.

Question 5: Then , you need to think about what's competition like? Who are the other competitors seeking positions in this profession? Who are the primary competitors for employment and upward mobility in this field? Can you identify particular individuals who are your main competition (which will be the case if you are competing internally). How do you compare to these competitors? What do you need to do to become more competitive?

Part 2

Draft a personal branding statement of 200 words or less. Edit for clarity and conciseness. Consider the following questions when creating the statement.

  1. What problems do know how to solve?
  2. What is unique about my approach?
  3. Who is the target audience for my particular skill set?

Reference no: EM132501714

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