Reference no: EM133228466
Assignment - Basic Concepts - Passages & Concepts for Interpretation and Evaluation
Instructions - Use page numbers and passages to interpret the following concepts and evaluate/make connections. Be sure to both quote passages and interpret the passages using your own words. Be sure to indicate page numbers in parenthesis after quotations.
Remember the meaning making approach to reading and discussing: Quote/Interpret/Evaluate & Connect.
Note: banking and problem posing are "styles" of teaching and learning. BOTH require some amount of memorization. The banking style is not synonymous with memorization. Do your best to resist the inclination to equate banking with memorizing.
Focus your discussion on the EFFECTS of each of these styles (what they do to humans and how they do that).
1. "Narration sickness"-Interpret: what is the problem with this form of education? (Use textual evidence)
2. What is the marker of a good teacher (and a good student) in the banking model? (Use textual evidence)
3. What is the overarching consequence of the banking form of education on humans? (In other words: what does it turn us into?-remember, Freire is not interested in whether one style is good and the other is bad, he's interested in the EFFECTS of these styles, the kinds of people/citizens they ultimately create.)
4. Interpret: How does banking education create a subject/object polarity between teachers and students? Evaluate: What is the problem with the subject/object polarity? (Use textual evidence)
5. Freire writes about biophily and necrophily and quotes Fromm to describe a "necrophilic" person (64). Connect: Describe a teacher or educational experience that fits this description.
6. What is the marker of a good "humanist" teacher in the problem posing model of education? (62) Why is this preferable to the characteristics of the teaching in the banking model? (Use textual evidence.) Connect: Find an example of a good "humanist" teacher in your life or in today's society.
7. Freire describes critical consciousness as "consciousness as consciousness of consciousness" (67), interpret what this means (if you are struggling, try putting a colon in place of the "as" in the phrase)? What is the relationship of this to inquiry and curiosity?
8. Interpret: What is liberation from Freire's point of view (Use textual evidence and think about his statement that banking education is more concerned about whether humans "fit" the world and how little they question the world-63).
9. Connect: How is liberation related to problem-posing education? (use textual evidence from throughout the text)