What is the management or business problem

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131433641

Define and contextualise the research issue and specify appropriate aims, objectives and research questions.

Assignment Task:

This section sets out and accompanying explanation of them - should cover.

1. Working title
This need not be the final title, but should give an indication of your intended research topic

2. The management or business problem that you seek to solve, and its context

What is the management or business problem you wish to investigate?

Briefly explain the research question(s) you are seeking to answer and make clear what the purpose or aim of your research is, i.e.

What do you want to find out by the end of your dissertation, that you do not already know?

(Note: it is appreciated that the area of investigation may be refined, after further work and discussion with your supervisor. Supervisors will be allocated on the basis of your proposal).

Having identified the problem, what are the objectives of the research (= the problem broken down into manageable steps)?

In this section, you should also include an explanation of the business context in which your research will be set e.g. organisation or industry, in other words, the background to your research - what has given rise to your intended research and why is there a need for it? Which types of organisations or business practitioners will benefit from you solving the management or business problem that you have identified? Cite appropriate sources to support your points.

You can start with the context and move on to the aim and objectives of the research, or vice versa, whichever flows best for you.

This section sets out and accompanying explanation of them - should cover.

1. Working title
This need not be the final title, but should give an indication of your intended research topic

2. The management or business problem that you seek to solve, and its context
What is the management or business problem you wish to investigate?
Briefly explain the research question(s) you are seeking to answer and make clear what the purpose or aim of your research is, i.e.
What do you want to find out by the end of your dissertation, that you do not already know?
(Note: it is appreciated that the area of investigation may be refined, after further work and discussion with your supervisor. Supervisors will be allocated on the basis of your proposal).

Having identified the problem, what are the objectives of the research (= the problem broken down into manageable steps)?

In this section, you should also include an explanation of the business context in which your research will be set e.g. organisation or industry, in other words, the background to your research - what has given rise to your intended research and why is there a need for it? Which types of organisations or business practitioners will benefit from you solving the management or business problem that you have identified? Cite appropriate sources to support your points.

You can start with the context and move on to the aim and objectives of the research, or vice versa, whichever flows best for you.

3. Academic context
Using a mind map or similar technique, comment on which area or areas of theory you think will be particularly helpful for exploring the problem/question, in a literature review e.g. marketing of services, organisational culture, and why (Mind maps and other similar techniques are explained in Unit 2)

Whilst in section 2 above you have explained the business context, this section is about the academic context and should help to show where your work will sit within the existing literature.

4. Useful peer reviewed articles
For this section you will need to have identified three or four peer reviewed articles (from scholarly journals on Proquest or Emerald) which fall within the area(s) of theory identified above. Your articles should have been published in the last five years.

Discuss one theory or key idea from each article which you think will be helpful for your literature review and explain why that theory or idea is particularly relevant to your investigation.

The full reference for each article can appear in the notes section of the slides.

5. Primary research: Methods and Access
a) How do you intend to obtain your primary data and why do you consider that this method or methods is/are likely to be the most appropriate? Who will be in your sample? (In this section we are looking for credible plans, not simply wishful ideas!)
b) Comment on why you consider that your proposal is ‘do-able' e.g. do you have established contacts or friends who can introduce you to potential interview respondents, who is in your network and who might those respondents be? For surveys, you need to be clear how you will maximise the response rate. ‘Convenience samples' e.g. getting your friends to complete a survey using a web link from your Facebook page - are rarely acceptable.

6. Conclusions
Briefly summarise again, what you want to find out in your disso, and why (if funding were available), it should be funded (suggest who will benefit, if you can solve the business problem that you have identified).

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The present solution is a dissertation proposal, based on a management topic. The instructions provided was accurately followed in the preparation of the solution. Also, the word count of the assignment is more than 1700 and the references provided are in APA format. The solution is free from plagiarism and the proposal is a unique concept for which references and questionnaire is provided.

Reference no: EM131433641

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3/24/2017 6:09:03 AM

Hello, Its alright! I got my paper on management and it is great! Exactly what i was searching for! i am so grateful! i need to work with him again on another paper which is nearly the same theme as the last, so he will comprehend what i am searching for. If it's not too much trouble let me know whether he can work with me and compose a 4 page paper on lacking honesty by this tuesday. I am sitting tight for your reaction as quickly as time permits. Much thanks to you.


3/24/2017 6:06:03 AM

what topic to choose and on what topic to work on? want to work on Business or any economic problem? Should this be turned into a prospective research paper or just a class presentation? Should data points be included? I need to do a research paper, then the charge will be more as I have to crunch data points using the tool SPSS to come up with a topic. So please clarify it whether you will give us the research paper for later part. Please update us on query asap so we can proceed further. I will be preparing on management topic - "Value of implementing TQM (Total Quality Management) standard to increase the firm performance" After that it is mentioned that you must discuss with your professor, for how to improve the discussion section in the dissertation work.


3/20/2017 3:51:55 AM

For information at this stage: For the final dissertation submission please note now that you will be required to submit: • An electronic copy uploaded to Turnitin • Selected evidence of original work. This may include, copies of completed questionnaires, interview recordings or transcripts, draft work etc….so keep all your work in progress! Your dissertation may fail if you do not provide sufficient evidence of the originality of your work, especially your primary research. You should not assume that you will be invited to a viva (oral examination) to provide further evidence, if the appropriate proof is missing from your final dissertation submission.

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