What is the main difference between audio and video elements

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131479939


Question One

What is CSS code that gives this style for heading1 in HTML document?

Lists of school names in Dammam city:

Question Two

What is the main difference between audio and video elements?

Question Three

What are the different types of selectors in CSS?

Question Four

What are font properties?

Reference no: EM131479939

Questions Cloud

The product life cycle concept : From the product life cycle concept, what organizational behaviors might you find as barriers during the decline stage?
Protected from packet sniffing : If you use a moble device, but connect with the cell tower wireless instead of the classroom's LAN, are you protected from packet sniffing?
How the study of ethics applies to business : Audi presents an account of how the study of ethics applies to business.
Decrease his expected payment per repair job : Assume that Bob does not want to decrease his expected payment per repair job. What is the maximum amount per job that Bob would be willing to pay Bill?
What is the main difference between audio and video elements : What is the main difference between audio and video elements? What are the different types of selectors in CSS? What are font properties?
Write an expression for the future value of the stock : Write an expression for the future value of the stock of external wealth in period N (WN). This should be written as a function of the economy's trade balance.
Review the perfect builders case study : ICT310 - System Analysis and Design - Review the Perfect Builders case study and answer the following question with reference to the information in the case study.
Describe briefly the different types of network messages : Describe briefly the different types of network messages. Briefly explain how you know that the host computer was placed on the correct subnet.
What is the total payoff from the projects in future years : In this question, assume all dollar units are real dollars in billions, so, for example, $150 means $150 billion. It is year 0. Argentina thinks it can find $15


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