What is the magnitude of the block''s momentum after kick

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Reference no: EM1320322

Q1. A 1.63 kg block of ice is sliding by you on a very slippery floor at <5, 0, 0> m/s. As it goes by, you give it a kick perpendicular to its path. Your foot is in contact with ice block for 0.005 seconds. The block eventually slides at the angle of 24 degrees from its original direction.

Q2. What is the unit vector in the direction of the block's momentum after the kick?

What is the x-component of the block's momentum after kick?

What is the magnitude of the block's momentum after kick?

Use the answers to the preceding questions to find the z-component of the block's momentum after kick (drawing a diagram is helpful):

What was the magnitude of the average force you applied to block?

Reference no: EM1320322

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