What is the linear equation that represents your business

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131110880

Linear Function Project

Project Description: Functions can be represented using equations, graphs, tables, and verbal descriptions. Over the course of this project, you will learn how to create and analyze functions in each of these forms.

For this project you will develop your own business. Your business can make/sell any school appropriate product or service that you would like. The relationship between your business's product or service and its cost must be represented by a linear relationship, meaning there must be a constant rate that the business charges. The following different parts of linear functions you will be applied to your own business:

Linear relationships

Independent and dependent variables

Constant rate of change

• Linear equations
• Domain and range of functions
• Representing linear equations with tables
• Linear functions- why is your business model an example of a linear function? Graphing linear functions and interpreting the meaning of different ordered pairs
• Comparing linear functions represented in different forms (tables, graphs, equations, written descriptions)

Constructing functions based upon graphs, tables, and written descriptions of linear relationships.

You will apply these concepts to your own business you will create a final presentation for your business. You may present your business in any way you would like (for example: posters, a power point, movie, etc), as long as it addresses each of the following questions and includes all of the vocabulary words listed above in the project description.

Questions you must answer:

1. What is your business?

a. The name
b. The product or service you sell. You may sell more than one thing, but you will need a separate equation for each product or service, and therefore will also need to address every required question for each product or service you
c. Why you want to sell this product or service.
d. You may also have a logo or any other creative addition you would like.

2. What are the independent and dependent variables in the linear relationship your business represents?

3. What is the constant rate of change/slope/constant of variation between the two variables in the linear relationship your business represents? 140w did you did you determine this?

4. Does your business have an initial fee or charge that must be included in your linear equation? If yes, what is this initial charge or fee? Where will it go in your linear equation?

5. What is the linear equation that represents your business? What form is this linear equation written in?

6. What are the domain and range of the linear relationship your business represents?

7. Create a table to represent the domain and range of your linear equation.

8. Explain why your business model is a function and create a function table.

9. Graph your function to display the profit your business will make. Pick at least one point off of your graph and describe what this ordered pair means for your business.

10. Compare your function to a real company that is similar to yours. Show this company's information in the form of a table, a graph, an equation, and in a written description. Compare this business to your business. Which business has the less expensive product?

Reference no: EM131110880

Questions Cloud

Hobart beverage company uses the weighted-average method : Hobart Beverage Company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. Materials are included at the start of the production process but conversion costs are uniformly applied throughout the production process.
Elaborate on why you believe the events : Describe three events, acts, organizations, people, or activities, etc., that you believe have had the most significant impact on the development of counseling as a profession.
Success of the process improvement plan : A manager develops a process improvement plan to encourage continuous process improvement during the period of operation. Identify a valid tool or technique to assist the manager to assure the success of the process improvement plan?
Determine the effects on the labor market : What happens to output, Y , and consumption, C ? What happens to investment, I ? What happens over time to the stock of capital, K ?
What is the linear equation that represents your business : What is the linear equation that represents your business? What form is this linear equation written in? What are the domain and range of the linear relationship your business represents? Create a table to represent the domain and range of your linea..
Assume instead that foss leaves the partnership : Foss, Albertson, and Espinosa are partners who share profits and losses 50%, 30%, and 20%, respectively. Their capital balances are $100,000, $60,000, and $40,000, respectively.
Demonstrate your familiarity with the concepts : For this assignment you will observe a child under the age of 10 in a natural setting for 30minutes to 1 hour,writing down your observations. Then, prepare and submit a 2 page paper, explaining your observation.
Negotiating in human resources discussion questions : Student's answers will vary but it should include some introspection related to the topic. 1. Identify and list ways to increase & enhance your value and leverage with an employer.
Cost per equivalent unit direct materials : Hobart Beverage Company uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system.Materials are included at the start of the production process but conversion costs are uniformlyapplied throughout the production process.


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