What is the lifespan for items stored in viewstate

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM131011108

(1) What is the difference between ASP and ASP.NET?

(2) What is the lifespan for items stored in ViewState?

(3) Which is the parent class used for the web server control?

(4) What is the use of App_Code folder in Asp.net website?

(5) What is the difference between DataSet and DataReader?

Reference no: EM131011108

Questions Cloud

How fast is the surface area changing at the given instant : How fast is the radius changing at the instant when the radius is 4 inches? How fast is the surface area changing at the same instant?
Find the length of the curve between the given two points : Consider the path r(t)=(6t,3t2,3lnt) defined for t>0. Find the length of the curve between the points (6,3,0) and (12,12,3ln(2)).
Describe the fallacy in your own words : Please read and understood all 44 "Dirty Tricks", explaining on pages 19-37 of "The Thinker's Guide to Fallacies". Describe the fallacy in your own words (not copied from the book). Explain where in the speech you have detected this fallacy
What are fridley core reasons for concern : What are Fridley's core reasons for concern, and what solutions does he offer his readers? Do you find his solutions singly or collectively persuasive? If so, please explain exactly why. If not, please explain exactly why not
What is the lifespan for items stored in viewstate : What is the difference between ASP and ASP.NET? What is the lifespan for items stored in ViewState? Which is the parent class used for the web server control?
Create an erd that represents the entities : Additionally, your ability to apply correct relationships, cardinalities, optionalities, and the use of Crows Foot modelling notations are tested.
Find the equation of the plane tangent at given point : Find the equation of the plane tangent to the surface at the given point. Write the equation in the form z - z0 = fx(x0,y0)(x - x0) + fy(x0,y0)(y - y0).
Dupont analysis of allocated company : Undertake a DuPont analysis of your allocated company for the past two full financial years. Collect the DuPont component ratios measuring the three key ROE drivers (expense control, asset utilisation and debt utilization) from DatAnalysis. Calculate..
The effective rate of interest for the types of loans : Your company plans to borrow $13 million for 12 months, and your banker gives you a stated rate of 24% interest. You would like to know the effective rate of interest for the following types of loans. (Each of the following parts stands alone).


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