What is the level of private saving in given economy

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM131025310

Second Midterm-

Binary Choice Questions:

1) Holding everything else constant, if the level of technology increases, then according to the classical model, average income will increase.

a. True

b. False

2) Economists only care about short-run growth, because "in the long run we are all dead."

a. True

b. False

3) According to the quantity theory of money, an increase in the money supply, holding all other factors constant, will increase real GDP.

a. True

b. False

4) Holding everything else constant, in the simple Keynesian Model presented in class, when aggregate expenditure is greater than production, this reduces the level of inventories and in the short-run results in an increase in the aggregate price level.

a. True

b. False

5) A government budget surplus will shift:

a. the supply curve of loanable funds.

b. the demand curve for loanable funds.

6) According to the Classical Dichotomy, the Classical Model is only valid for determining the nominal values of economic variables.

a. True.

b. False.

7) Which of the following statements best describes the differences between the Classical and Keynesian models presented in class?

a. When the economy is in the midst of an economic recession, the Keynesian economist typically will advocate governmental intervention while the Classical economist will advocate patience.

b. According to the Classical Model, economic fluctuations are due to a disequilibrium in the labor market; in the simple Keynesian Model, when aggregate expenditure is greater than actual production, prices rise to eliminate this disequilibrium.

8) Deliberate actions by policy makers that cause fiscal policy to be expansionary when the economy contracts are called automatic stabilizers.

a. True

b. False

9) When an economy is in a recession, the benefit from hiring an additional worker is less than the opportunity cost of working.

a. True

b. False

Multiple Choice Questions:

10) Consider an economy using the Keynesian model as presented in class. The value of the autonomous expenditure multiplier [1/(1-b)] in this economy is 2.  If government spending increases by $50 while taxes simultaneously increase by $50, what will happen to the equilibrium level of GDP?

a. It will not effectively change the level of output since the increase in government spending which stimulates spending is exactly offset by the increase in taxes which contracts spending.

b. It will cause the equilibrium level of GDP to increase by less than $50 because of the multiplier effect.

c. It will cause the equilibrium level of GDP to increase by more than $50 because of the multiplier effect.

d. It will cause the equilibrium level of GDP to increase by exactly $50 due to the multiplier effect.

11) The country of Madison has the following production function: Y = 2L1/2 (that is, Y equals two times the square root of L) where Y refers to total output or GDP and L refers to labor. Madison also has the following labor supply: L = 2W+3. Madison just received new technology from its neighbor.  Holding everything else constant, which of the following is true about the new production function and labor supply equation?

a. Both the labor supply equation and the production function will change.

b. Only the labor supply equation will change.

c. Only the production function will change.

d. Neither the labor supply equation nor the production function will change.

Use the following graph to answer the next two questions. Note that the line drawn in the graph refers to the aggregate production function.  This aggregate production function is drawn with a fixed amount of labor and a fixed amount of technology. The economy pictured in the graph currently has K* amount of capital available to use for producing goods and services. 


12) Which point is most likely if there is an increase in the amount of labor hired in the economy and nothing else changes?

a. A

b. B

c. C

d. D

13) What will happen to the productivity of capital if there is an increase in the size of the labor force?

a. Productivity will increase.

b. Productivity will fall.

c. Productivity will not be affected.

d. It is impossible to tell.

14) Imagine that the government has eliminated a tax on capital investments. How will this affect the economy?

a. Labor productivity will increase and long run growth will fall.

b. Labor productivity will fall and long run growth will increase.

c. Labor productivity and long run growth will both fall.

d. Labor productivity and long run growth will both increase.

Use the following Classical Model to answer the next two questions:

Y = C + SP + T - TR

SG = T - TR - G

NS = SP + SG

NS = Y - C - G

KI = M - X

Y = C + I + G + (X - M)

In equilibrium,  leakages = injections

Furthermore, suppose the government runs a balanced budget (that is, G - T + TR = 0) and collects $300 in tax revenue.  Firms spend $55 on new capital and capital inflow equals $15.  Income equals $450 and $220 of that income is spent on consumption.  Furthermore, leakages equal injections in this economy.

15) What is the level of private saving in this economy?

a. $55 since private saving must equal investment in order for the loanable funds market to be in equilibrium.

b. $70 since businesses are spending $55 of their own money plus $15 provided via the foreign sector (i.e., the capital inflow).

c. $40 since businesses are demanding $55 worth of loanable funds and the foreign sector is supplying only $15 worth of loanable funds.

d. $25 since the total demand for loanable funds is $40 and there are $15 of loanable funds being supplied through the capital inflow.

16) What is the level of government transfers in this economy?

a. $0

b. $90

c. $110

d. $125

17) According to the Classical Model, which of the following will most likely contribute to long-run growth?

a. An increase in payments to the unemployed.

b. Increased restrictions on immigration.

c. Improved birth control methods.

d. A reduction in the capital gains tax.

18) Answer this question according to the Classical Model. The US runs a trade deficit with China. Holding everything else constant, if the US narrows this gap by increasing exports, what will happen to the level of investment in the United States?

a. Investment in the U.S. will increase relative to its initial level.

b. Investment in the U.S. will decrease relative to its initial level.

c. Investment in the U.S. could either increase or decrease relative to its initial level.

d. There will be no effect on investment in the U.S.

19) Which statement about economic fluctuations is true?

a. In a recession, the unemployment rate is relatively low.

b. Output during a boom is greater than the level of potential output.

c. According to the Keynesian model, government policy is ineffective.

d. The Classical model is adequate to analyze economic fluctuations.

20)The government has decided to maintain the quantity of money in circulation at $5,000 every year. The nominal GDP in 2004 was $20,000. In 2005, the nominal GDP was $25,000. Which of the following statements is necessarily true?

a. People desired to hold a smaller percentage of their income as money in 2005 than in 2004.

b. The real GDP increased in 2005 relative to its level in 2004.

c. The price level increased in 2005 relative to its level in 2004.

d. The money supply in this economy increased in 2005 relative to its level in 2004.

21) The full employment level of output in an economy refers to the level of output produced when:

a. Everyone above age 16 is working.

b. Everyone above age 16 who wants a job is working.

c. There is no unemployment due to the business cycle.

d. There is no cyclical or structural unemployment.

Use the following information for the next two problems.

Consider a closed economy whose price levels in 2004 and 2005 are the same. The GDPs in 2004 and 2005 are $4,000 and $5,000, respectively. Household consumption was $3,000 and private saving was $500 in 2004. In 2005, the government deficit increased by $500. Private saving was $1,500 in 2005. Analyze this economy using the Classical model given below:

Y = C + SP + T - TR

SG = T - TR - G

Y = C + I + G

NS = SP + SG

NS = Y - C - G

In equilibrium, leakages = injections

22) The increase in private investment in 2005 is:

a. $500

b. $1,000

c. $1,500

d. $2,000

23) Calculate the leakages in 2004.

a. $500

b. $1,000

c. $3,500

d. There is not enough information to answer this question.

24) Holding everything else constant, an increase in government spending on transfer payments has what effect on the demand for private loans?

a. The quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases due to the higher interest rate.

b. The quantity of loanable funds demanded decreases because the government is giving people more money.

c. The quantity of loanable funds demanded increases because of the lower interest rate.

d. There will be no change in the demand for loanable funds nor the quantity of loanable funds demanded.

25) Suppose an economy is in long run equilibrium. According to the Classical Model, an increase in the government deficit will

a. have no effect on the level of real GDP.

b. have no effect on the real interest rate.

c. (a) and (b) are both true statements.

d. (a) and (b) are both false statements.

26) Consider an economy using a Keynesian model.  The economy is initially in equilibrium at Y1. Holding everything else constant, if there is an increase in the level of autonomous consumption this will

a. Cause the equilibrium level of real GDP to increase.

b. Cause inventories to decrease if the economy continues to produce at its initial level of output.

c. Cause output to be expanded via the multiplier process.

d. (a), (b) and (c) are all true statements.

27) Holding the price level constant, if output in an economy is greater than planned spending, which of the following is true?

I)  Inventories decrease

II)  Inventories increase

III)  Output decreases

IV)  Output increases

a. I and IV.

b. I and III.

c. II and III.

d. II and IV.

Use the following information about a closed economy to answer the next two questions.





28) What is the value of disposable income for this economy?

a. 0.5(Y-T)

b. 100 + 0.4(Y-T)

c. 0.8(Y-T)

d. 0.8Y

29) What is the equilibrium level of income for this economy?

a. $190

b. $270

c. $450

d. $900

Reference no: EM131025310

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