What is the length of the core in inches if the diameter is

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13534555

1.A 40lb, .8ft diameter, 1ft tall cylindrical tank slides slowly downa ramp with a constant speed of .1ft/s. The uniform-thicknessoil layer on the ramp has a viscosity of .2lb*s/ft^2. Determine the angle, theta, of the ramp.

2.An open, clean glass tube (theta = 0 degrees) is insertedvertically into a pan of water. What tube diameter is neededif they water level in the tube is to rise one tube diameter (dueto surface tension)?

3.If the porosity of a core sample is 26 percent, the pore volume is7.7 cc, what is the length of the core in inchesif the diameter is 1.5 inches?

Reference no: EM13534555

Questions Cloud

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