What is the learning rate for project

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133446845


1. Your work for a large contract assembly plant. A new customer has come to you with a product they want 15 units of assembled. The customer estimates that the time to assemble a unit is about 6 hours to assemble each one and is willing to pay you at that rate. You expect that the first unit will take 11 hours and the second one 7 hours.

What is the learning rate for this project?

2. You have a learning rate of 0.81. If the first unit takes 8, how long does the third unit take?

3. You have a product with a learning rate of 0.75 and and the first unit took11. How long does the 10th unit take? Just enter the number without the units.

4. You have a product with a learning rate of 0.85. The first unit took 20 hours to complete. How long to produce the first ten units.

5. A customer wants to contract 15 units of a product with a learning rate of 0.9. The first unit took 23 hours to produce. What is the average time to produce the 15 units the customer wants?

6. You have a process that includes three components. The first component has a reliability of 0.88, the second has a reliability of 0.84, and the third has a reliability of 0.87. What is the reliability of the system?

6. You have a system with three components and each of those components has a backup in case of failure of the primary component. The three primary components have a reliability of 0.92, 0.92, and 0.91. The first component has a backup with a reliability of 0.86. The second component has a backup with a reliability of 0.89. The third component has a backup with a reliability of 0.85. What is the reliability of the system?

7. You have a component that is getting old and less reliable so you want to back it up. You have several old versions of the component which you can use as backups. The main component has a reliability of 0.71 and the three old components you are using for backup have reliabilities of 0.59, 0.56, and 0.64 respectively. What is the reliability of this component with backups included?

8. You are given this system. R1 is 0.83, R2 is 0.80, R3 is 0.78, R4 is 0.78, and R5 is 0.77. What is the reliability of the system? 

Reference no: EM133446845

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