What is the largest client and how much are sales

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM133062895

Question 1. What are the implications of the existence of an IT environment for an auditor? What are the differences between general and application controls in an IT environment? Provide specific examples of each category.

Question 2. Explain why Big Data is important and provide an example of its use in practice

Question 3. Explain the purpose of the Power Query and Pivot Table functions in Excel. Make sure you have cleaned up the Sales Rep data using Power Query as we will be using this next week.

Question 4. Add the following records to your sales data:

 Order #  Client ID   Client Name  State Sale  $
54766 3   Arget & Sons VIC  $          129,000
54767 88   Toilsking International VIC  $             25,407
54768 89   Tullet Ltd SA  $               5,788
54769 59   Moqué Group NT  $             11,785

Question 5. What is the largest client and how much are sales? What is the largest State and how much are the sales? (Don't forget to refresh your Pivot Tables!)

Reference no: EM133062895

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