What is the kindle fire

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697561 , Length: 3

Article : Kindle Fire - Amazon's Heated Battle for the Tablet Market By Mohanbir Sawhney,Joseph.R Owens, and Pallavi Goodman

The case will that you will need to use to answer this question is attached. Please read the case prior to attempting to answer the question.

Case: kindle fire

First: create a swat analysis for the kindle fire.

You must answer these questions accurately and have references to back up the answers.

1. What is the kindle fire? Would you categorize it as a "tablet"? Why?

2. Who should amazon target with the kindle fire? Give 3 reasons for your suggestions.

3. How should amazon position the kindle fire relative to the ipad and the other tablets on the market? What about positioning it relative to e-readers?

4. Assume that amazon follows the model favored by wireless service providers, which heavily subsidize an expensive phone in return for a long-term contract. This would mean a minimum two year contract that commits amazon customers to a level of spending that is consistent with the average kindle fire customer. Do you think a subsidy of $99 for the hardware is justified? Why?

5. If you were the apple ceo, what would you do to respond to the kindle fire?

Times new roman 12 pt font - at least 3 pages

Minimum of 3 references

Reference no: EM131697561

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