What is the key marketing management problem

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131675884

The cases provide an opportunity to examine concepts in greater detail and develop problem solving and decision making skills. Students are expected to read and analyze each case, develop and submit a written case analysis, and come to class prepared to discuss the material. For each case assignment, please address the following questions:

1. Problem Statement: What is the key marketing management problem/opportunity the decision-maker faces in the case study? Don't confuse symptoms with problems: think of problems as causes and symptoms as effects. Include sufficient context to frame the problem. The problem statement should be one to two paragraphs.

2. Alternative Evaluation: What could they do to address the problem? Prepare a list of alternatives and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each option using qualitative information and quantitative analysis based on the case. Include all assumptions. The alternative evaluation should be the majority of your write-up.

3. Recommendation: What should the decision-maker do and why? Recommend a specific course of action and steps to take to solve the problem. The recommendation should build on your alternative evaluation, be supported with information from the case and your analysis and clearly explain any trade-offs.

Case write-ups must be typed using 12 point font, formatted with 1 inch margins and are limited to a maximum of two single spaced pages. Quantitative analysis (figures, tables, calculations, etc.) can be added as supporting material beyond the two pages. Additional case questions may be assigned in class for write-up or discussion. Assignments are due in the drop box by the beginning of class as noted in the schedule. Late papers are not accepted.

Article : HubSpot: Inbound Marketing and Web 2.0 By  David Meerman Scott

Reference no: EM131675884

Questions Cloud

What is the purpose of the csirt : What is the purpose of the CSIRT and what would be some of the team members roles?
Review problem related to the-worth its weight in gold : Worth Its Weight in Gold. Under the gold standard, the price of an ounce of gold in U.S. dollars was $20.67, while the price of that same ounce.
What is your opportunity cost of attending classes on campus : What is your opportunity cost of attending classes on campus. For the purposes of keeping things simple, focus on finding the opportunity cost
Present best practices for computer forensics : Draw lessons and present best practices for computer forensics.
What is the key marketing management problem : What is the key marketing management problem/opportunity the decision-maker faces in the case study?
Types of forensic science : 1. What is computer forensics and how does it differ from other types of forensic science?
Examines the intended meaning of the image : Develop analysis 2 pages with a thesis that examines the intended meaning of the image/text, using the visual argument analysis criteria we have discussed.
How does change price of tundra to toyota british subsidiary : Toyota Exports to the United Kingdom. Toyota manufactures in Japan most of the vehicles it sells in the United Kingdom.
Explain by referring to how the market reacts : Why is that our government doesn't have to worry about possible shortages or surpluses of bread? Please explain by referring to how the market reacts


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