What is the kernel of an operating system

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Reference no: EM133576605

Introduction to Computer Systems and Networking

Activity 1:

Answer all the questions.

1) What is a bus in computer systems? What are the different types of signals sent through system buses?

2) Buses may be can be either serial or parallel depending on the design. Which bus type is faster? Give reasons for your answer

3) Explain the simplex, half-duplex and duplex transmission types with suitable examples

4) Give five types of CPU instruction types with explanations and examples for each type

5) The following code is a prototype of a simple program containing subroutines. Explain the flow of this program in your words

6) The following is a LIFO (Last-in-first-out) stack. What will be the value at top of the stack after the given sequence of commands?
Pop(), Pop(), Push(111), Push(17), Pop(), Pop(), Pop()

7) Explain how a block of memory can be used as stack

8) What are the basic elements of a CPU instruction?

9) Give the OPCODE, Source OPERAND and Result OPERAND of the following instruction
i. LOAD address[1000011], A
ii. ADD A, B
iii. STORE R1, address[1000034]

10) What is the ‘instruction set' of a CPU? How important is the knowledge of the instruction set of the CPU when designing a computer system?

11) Find a good reference that describes the x86 chip. Discuss the features of thearchitecture that make superscalar processing possible in this chip. What limitationsdoes the Pentium architecture impose on its superscalar processing?

12) Consider a CPU with two parallel integer execution units. An addition instructionrequires 2 clock pulses to complete execution, and a multiplication requires 15clock pulses. Now assume the following situation: the program is to multiply twonumbers, located in registers R2 and R4, and store the results in R5. The followinginstruction adds the number in R5 to the number in R2 and stores the result inR5. The CPU does not stall for data dependencies, and both instructions haveaccess to an execution unit simultaneously. The initial values of R2, R4, and R5are 3, 8, and 0, respectively. What is the result?

Now assume that the CPU doeshandle data dependencies correctly. What is the result? If we define wasted timeas time in which an execution unit is not busy, how much time is wasted in thisexample?

Activity 2:

Answer all the questions.

1) Operating system is an important software component of a computer system. What are the basic functionalities provided by an operating system to a user?

3) What is the difference between multiprocessing and multitasking?

4) One of the basic services of an operating system is loading, managing and executing programs. Why do you need an operating system for this purpose?

5) What are the file management services offered by a general operating system?

6) An operating system may consist of a memory resident part and memory non-resident part. What is the main difference between these two parts? Why some components should be memory resident?

7) Give examples for GUI and CLI operating systems

8) What is the difference between a process and thread?

9) Five programs are concurrently running on a 2.5 GHz processor sharing CPU time equally.
i. What is the cycle time of this processor
ii. If one quantum is five clock cycles how long would the CPU allow one program to execute continuously?
iii. Hence how long a program should wait to use the CPU again after completing an allocated quantum?

10) What is the kernel of an operating system?

11) Briefly explain the architectures of monolithic, hierarchical and microkernel operating systems

12) What operating system functions would you expect to find in the computer that isbuilt in to control your automobile, and which functions would be omitted? Justifyyour answer.

13) Based on the system status report shown in below figure, describe some of the ways inwhich the system could be tailored, and explain how the various items in the reportwould influence your tailoring decisions.

Activity 3

These practice questions are designed based on the lectures completed to the date. Completion of each tutorial accounts for 3% of the final score.

Answer all the questions.

1) How the layered network models help to understand the network functionality?

2) What is TCP/IP model? Briefly explain the operation of networks at each layer.

3) Data rate is an important characteristic of a communication channel. What is the data rate in Mbps if a channel takes 30 minutes download a 2 GB file?

4) Explain the difference between circuit switching and packet switching.

5) Which layer of the TCP/IP model processes requests from hosts to make sure a connection is made to the appropriate port?

6) The TCP/IP protocol suite appears to have no equivalents to the OSI session andpresentation layers. How are the services provided by those layers handled in TCP/IP?Be as specific as you can when you refer to the particular services provided by thoselayers.

7) Compare TCP and UDP protocols in terms of reliability and data transfer rate.

8) What is the length of an IPv4 address?

9) The IP address and subnet mask of a certain PC has been found to be and Find the network part and host part of this IP address.

a. What is the purpose of an IP address mask? Suppose an IP address is identified as What is the network address in this case? What is the host address? How many hosts can this network address support?
b. You have been asked to assign IP addresses to 10 PCs, 5 Laptops and a router in a LAN. After drawing the topology of the mentioned network,use the network address and subnet mask in part A and specify the IP addresses that you will assign to these devices.

11) Draw the diagrams for mesh, ring, bus and star network topologies.

a. Suppose you own a widespread chain of turkey tartare and sushi fast-food joints.Your stores are scattered all over the mainland United States and Canada. Thereare also a few stores in Western Europe. The computers in each store mustcommunicate with the central operation in Texas on a regular basis, but notwith each other. Design a network that would meet the requirements of yourcompany.

b. For each of the links in this network, describe a technology (medium andsignalling method) that would be suited to this application.

Reference no: EM133576605

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