Reference no: EM132088751
Information Research Assignment
1.1 Briefly explain your research topic (50-150 words)
If your project has several stages outline them briefly and indicate which stage you will be focusing on for the assignment.
1.2 Identify the main aspects of your topic and list the keywords for each aspect. Include synonyms, alternative terms, plurals, and acronyms where appropriate. A preliminary search of a relevant journal article database can be helpful for identifying these. The Library's Subject Guides also list useful dictionaries and encyclopaedias.
1.3 Convert your list of keywords into a search statement. Use the Boolean operators (AND and OR), the asterix * for truncation, and double quotes " " for phrases.
2.1. List the two Library journal article databases most useful for this topic
Refer to the Subject Guide for your discipline for a list of relevant databases.
• Do not select LibrarySearch as this is not a journal article database listed in the Subject Guides.
• Although Web of Science is a valuable database, do not use it for Q2 of the assignment since it does not use Keywords for classification.
2.2 Search one or two of the databases to find two articles helpful to your topic.
2.3 Copy and paste (ie. not screen capture) the subject terms that appear in the database records of your two articles.
Subject terms may be labelled keywords / index terms / descriptors / controlled terms (eg. In the Scopus record in the example above they are labelled Indexed keywords). Author keywords may also be relevant. For SciFinder include CA Concept Headings.
2.4 Using the results and keyword information (from Q2.3) that you have obtained so far, improve on your original search to get the best possible coverage of your topic. This means using the Q2.3 keywords in your search/s and adapting your search/s depending on whether you are getting too many results or too few results. You may adapt your search from Q.1 or, if necessary, break it down into more than one search.
3.1 Critically analyse one of your two articles. Use the same article for all parts of Q3.
What is the Journal Impact Factor of your journal?
What is your journal's rank in the relevant Journal Citation Reports subject category?
First Author H-index via Web of Science Core Collection:
List the steps you took to correctly identify your author - eg. Selecting Research Area/s, Organization/s, removing irrelevant articles above the H index number (In the example below, only articles above line 86 need to be by Elizabeth Blackburn).
Including this information is particularly important if the author has a common name.
3.2 Referring to the criteria explain why your article is a key reference for your work (100-200 words).
3.3 Using either Web of Science, Scopus or SciFinder, check your key article for Citing References. How many times has your article been cited by other articles?
4.1 Theses
Find one thesis relevant to your research that you can use as background information.
Explain how the thesis is relevant to your own research question. (50-100 words)
Explain how the content of the book or patent assists you with your research. (50-100 words)
4.3 Staying Current
Plan a current awareness strategy to keep your research up-to-date and to stay aware of developments in your field.
List at least three different options that you are using to stay current. Give details in terms of your own topic.
5.1 Compile a reference list using the two journal article references found in Q.2 and the thesis and book/patent reference from Q.4.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar