What is the jelly bean model

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132114267

Chapter Two

Part one:

1. What is the Jelly Bean model? How is this different from a tossed salad? How is this different from the soup model?

2. What are the four types of acculturation and which type have you seen happen the most in organizations?

3. On page 25, it talks about institutional bias-what is this?

4. What is the difference between surface and deep diversity?

5. Why does the text state it helps to know history or what is also called cultural knowledge?

Part two: Don't Box Me In Exercise

1. Write down what defines you as a person.

2. How do you think others categorize you when they first see you?

3. Do you categorize others from different ethnicities than you when you see them? Why do you think people do this?

4. Now Watch Don't Box Me in Video found in this Unit while watching the video choose three of the stereotypes shown.

5. State the three stereotypes you have chosen by explaining what it is and explain where each one of these stereotypes come from and why each still exist in society.

Part three: Complete the Cultural Diversity Self-Assessment below then copy and paste the questions and your answers without this you will lose points.

Cultural Diversity Self Assessment

Read each statement and write almost never, sometimes or always next to the statement. Remember, be as candid as possible with your responses, there are no right or wrong answers.

Understanding where you stand with your viewpoint below will assist you in better understanding the material in the course.

It may not change your viewpoint but hopefully will help you to understand the importance of certain viewpoints as it relates to managing diversity effectively.

Answer choices: Almost Never, Sometimes, Always

1. I am aware of my own biases and how they affect my thinking.

2. I can honestly assess my strengths and weaknesses in the area of diversity and try to improve myself.

3. I assume good intent and ask for clarification when I don't understand what was said or implied.

4. I challenge others when they make racial/ethnic/sexually offensive comments or jokes.

5. I speak up if I witness another person being humiliated or discriminated against.

6. I do not participate in jokes that are derogatory to any individual group.

7. I don't believe that my having a friend of color means that I'm culturally competent.

8. I understand why a lack of diversity in my social circle may be perceived as excluding others.

9. I realize that people of other cultures have a need to support one another and connect as a group.

10. I do not make assumptions about a person or individual group until I have verified the facts on my own.

11. I have multiple friends (more than three) from a variety of ethnicities and abilities.

12. I connect easily with people who do not look like me and am able to communicate easily.

13. I'm interested in the ideas and beliefs of people who don't think and believe as I do, and I respect their opinions even when I disagree.

14. I work to make sure people who are different from me are heard and accepted.

15. I recognize and avoid language that reinforces stereotypes. ("that's so gay")

16. I know the stereotype(s) of my ethnicity.

17. I encourage culturally diverse people to speak out on their issues and concerns and validate their issues.

18. Avoid assuming that others will have the same reaction as me when discussing or viewing an issue.

19. I understand that I'm a product of my upbringing and believe there are valid beliefs other than my own.

20. I do not take physical characteristics into account when interacting with others and when making decisions about competence or ability.

21. I recognize that others stereotype me and I try to overcome their perceptions.

22. I include culturally diverse people in team decision making processes that impact them.

23. I actively seek opportunities to connect with people different than me and seek to build rapport.

24. I believe "color blindness" is a counter productive and devalues a person's culture or history.

25. I avoid generalizing behaviors or attitudes of one individual group to another group. ("All men are..." or "All Asians act..." or "Handicapped people usually...")

26. I actively convey that nontraditional employees or students are as skilled and competent as others.

27. I do not try to justify acts of discrimination to make the victim feel better. I validate his/her assessment of what occurred.

28. I try to learn about and appreciate the richness of other cultures and honor their holidays and events.

29. I believe there are policies and practices in place that negatively impact people outside the majority culture.

30. I understand the definition of internalized racism and how it impacts people of color.

31. I believe that race is a social construct that is a social mechanism, phenomenon, or category created and developed by society not a scientific fact.

32. I know and accept that a person's experiences and background impacts how they interact and trust me.

Reference no: EM132114267

Questions Cloud

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How you can apply it to your role as a project manager : Discuss with your colleagues 1 project management term or concept that particularly stood out for you this session.
What is the jelly bean model : What is the Jelly Bean model? How is this different from a tossed salad? How is this different from the soup model?
What are the ethics to mandate a non-criminal adult : Should Ina be evaluated and given recommendations about what she should do next? If she refuses an evaluation, what are the ethics involved in attempting.
Administrator responsible for the pharmacy department : You are the administrator responsible for the pharmacy department at a New Mexico acute care hospital.
Discuss probability samples and nonprobability samples : How is the Internet important for implementing simultaneous product development? Briefly discuss probability samples and nonprobability samples.
How would you explain a diagnosis to a client : How would you explain a diagnosis to a client? Are there circumstances in which a diagnosis would not be appropriate to share with a client?


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