What is the issue or problem the research will address

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133494708


Topic: The role of private business in poverty alleviation in Mississippi.

The prospectus is a proposal for your research project. It should include the following components:

I. Statement of the nature of the problem

1. What is the issue or problem this research will address?

2. Why is it interesting, significant, and amenable to economic analysis?

II. The research question

1. What is the question that is the focus of your research?

III. Research article

1. You should have read through at least one research article closely related to your research question before developing your proposal. You should include a brief (one paragraph summary) of the research article(s) that address the same, or a similar research question. The research article must be listed in a peer-reviewed journal (e.g., not a newspaper article or internet posting).

IV. Research design

1. The research design is the most important part of the proposal because it explains how you will go about answering your research question. You should address the following in your research design:

2. What is the analytical framework of the model? The research hypothesis should follow from conceptual analysis.

3. In an ideal world, what data would you need to test your hypothesis? What data have you found to test your analysis and what is the source of the data?

V. References

1. List all of the references for papers that you plan to use in your paper.

Reference no: EM133494708

Questions Cloud

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