Reference no: EM132775407
The Thompsons recently moved to Traverse City, Michigan and heard so many great things about Higgins Lake, Michigan from the friendly neighbors. On a pleasant summer day, the Thompsons, a family of four, decided to take a road trip to Higgins Lake, Michigan. Higgins lake, located in the heart of Michigan is known for its crystal-clear water and has been noted as one of the world's most beautiful lakes. The Cut River connects Marl Lake to Higgins Lake giving ample opportunity to fish for perches, trouts and pikes. There you will find four seasons of fun. The lakes will delight you with their natural beauty, wildlife viewing and most of all the spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Thompsons' first family adventure began with kayaking on Higgins Lake, the family continued their day with numerous adventures. The Thompsons ended their adventure with a family picnic by the lake. After the picnic, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson wanted to keep it low key as it was a long day of adventures and rest up by people watching before the drive back home. The boys, Timothy 9 years old, and Steve 7 years old wanted to cool off before going home. Timothy and Steve, took a dip in Higgins Lake closer to the shallow shoreline, not too deep in. They loved it so much they didn't leave until sunset. On the drive back home, The Thompsons kept talking about their adventures at Higgins Lake. As soon as they reached home, Timothy and Steve started feeling hot and itchy. Mrs. Thompson noticed red bumps all over Timothy and Steve's legs, stomach and back. During bedtime the boys couldn't sleep well because of the intense itch. Some of the painful red bumps even turned into blisters. The next day, the boys still felt really itchy and with red bumps all over the legs, stomach and back. Being a concerned mother, Mrs. Thompson takes her boys to the family pediatrician, Dr. Dave. Doctor takes a quick look at the boys' rashes and asks, "The rashes look like poison ivy. Were the boys around poison ivy?" Mrs. Thompson replies back "No". Dr. Dave takes a closer look at the boys' rashes. Dr. Dave asks, "Did you boys recently go swimming in a pond or lake?
1. Name the pathogen causing the infectious disease? What type of pathogen (ex. Bacteria, Virus, Fungi, Protozoan, etc.) is causing the disease?
2. What is the infectious disease called? What does it infect?
3. What are the typical signs and symptoms of the infectious disease? How long does it last for?
4. How did Timothy and Steve get this infectious disease and Mr. and Mrs. Thompson did not? Briefly describe the cycle of the pathogen.
5. What is the prevention and control of the infectious disease?