What is the indian act

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133658631


1. What is the Indian Act?

2. What areas of Indigenous peoples' lives does the Indian Act impact? There are many. Be specific.

3. In what ways did/does the Indian Act create harmful divisions between Indigenous peoples?

4. How have the Indian Act and Bill C-31 shaped Indigenous women's lives and identities? Provide examples.

5. What has been the long-term impact of the Indian Act?

6. It is said that the Indian Act is a racist legislated policy. Defend or deny this statement. Provide an explanation and an example to make your case convincing.

7. Having learned about the Indian Act, what thoughts/questions are you left with that still need answers? What personal work do you still need to do to help you prepare to work in the SSW field (in context to your knowledge of Indigenous People?)

Reference no: EM133658631

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