What is the importance of the fifo principle

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Reference no: EM133022604

SITXINV001 Receive and store stock

Question 1:

The process of inspecting and verifying the delivery of goods includes the following aspects:
(Answer true or false in space provided)

True or False
All supplies should arrive with an invoice or delivery docket showing your purchase order number.
An invoice or delivery docket allows you to check whether the delivery matches your order and that you have been charged the correct price.
Every delivery requires the delivery driver to sign that they have delivered the food or other items.
When you sign the delivery docket, you are saying: "These goods or foods were in acceptable condition and we agree to pay for it. It was all here and it
was the product that we ordered."
Many distributors are flexible when it comes to returning incorrect or damaged goods, as long as it happens at the point of delivery.

Question 2:

What are the requirements for receiving perishable supplies to ensure correct temperatures and quality?
(Tick the correct box indicating true or false)

True False
Refrigerated goods must be delivered at a temperature below 5°C.
All perishable supplies must be checked using a thermometer and results
must be entered into a temperature log or goods received register.
Upon delivery of refrigerated items like meat or poultry, the core
temperature needs to be measured using a thermometer.
Frozen goods must be frozen and not partially thawed.
All delivery vehicles must be HACCP accredited and display the appropriate label.
If deliveries do not meet the requirements then the food must be rejected.

Question 3:

Common faults in deliveries which would require your action could include: (Tick the correct answers)

Incorrect delivery temperatures, e.g. seafood arrives at room temperature.
Packaging is ripped of damaged.
Paper products have become wet.
Cans are dented, cracked or bloated.
Fresh produce if of poor quality, e.g. limp vegetables, mouldy fruit.
Supplier has provided a better price than quoted.
Wrong amounts, quantities or weights of items, e.g. 2kg of beef instead of
Wrong product, e.g. silverside instead of topside.
Vermin/insect damaged goods due to supplier's poor handling procedures.

Question 4:

The following details need to be checked when you receive a delivery of a variety of goods:
(Tick the correct box indicating true or false)

True False
All items should be weighed and checked for quality, quantity, freshness and
use-by date.
Any spoiled, damaged or unwanted goods should be refused at this stage
and noted on the delivery docket.
Check that the delivery is meant for your establishment, e.g. check the
delivery address and details.
Check the quality of supplies by tasting a sample of all fresh products.
Check that pack sizes, quantities, grade, weight, volume and type are those detailed on the docket and match the purchase order and check that prices
are appropriate.

Question 5:

Connect the document associated with the receiving process of goods to the correct description:

Invoices Issued by delivery personnel for items that were not delivered or did not meet specifications detailed on the invoice or docket
Credit Notes Records all invoices and the costs of items received and
provides purchasing data for commodity groups
Goods Received Book /
Daily Receipt Journal A financial statement which details the specifications for
the for the items delivered

Question 6:

The features of manual and electronic stock delivery systems include: (Answer true or false in space provided)
True or False

A manual stock control system would include the use of bin cards to record individual stock items.
A Goods Received Book is an example of a manual system.
A bar code system includes a scanner to scan bar codes of individual products.
A bar code system automatically updates the internal stock records when stock is added or removed from stores.
A bar code system is usually very expensive to purchase and set up and therefore is not used widely.

Question 7:

To ensure correct delivery processes including provisions for stock security, the following guidelines should be followed:
(Answer true or false in space provided)

True or False
Smaller enterprises may receive deliveries within the actual departments e.g. the kitchen will receive the seafood directly.
It is essential to ensure that the supplier is aware of the correct processes during delivery.
It is common practice in small establishments that the supplier will check the stock levels in all storage areas, do the ordering and will store new stock upon delivery to save you time.
Never allow the supplier to store the items straight away in the final destination, such as the coolroom, as you cannot verify the new or existing products.
If suppliers are aware that all items are checked properly there may be less temptation to supply incorrect weights or quality.
If there is a delivery problem you should notify the supplier immediately, state clearly what the problem is, write down the suggested solution and confirm with the supplier.

Question 8:

What is the importance of the FIFO principle to ensure correct stock rotation? What is the relevance of labels and date stamps for this purpose?
(Answer true or false in space provided)

True or False
First In First Out (FIFO) is the basic principle under which all stock is
Simply put, it means that the first order of a product received is the first of
that product to be used.
When putting foods away in the dry store, you place the new product on top
or in front of the old product to ensure it is used first.
All items produced or processed on premises as part of the preparation or production processes must be labelled showing the contents, date and
person responsible.
Products which may bear no obvious use-by date should be tagged or
marked with a date stamp to ensure their use based on the FIFO principle.

Question 9:

The storage requirements for different goods vary and accordingly the following ambient storage conditions need to be considered:
(Answer true or false in space provided)

True or False
Wet storage refers to the storage of perishables in either a

coolroom/refrigerator or freezer.
Dry storage refers to the dry goods room where limited humidity and a
temperature of ~14-20°C are desirable.
Between 5°C and 60°C is referred to as the danger zone where bacteria growth thrives, therefore all perishable food items must be stored below
The storage temperatures for a freezer must be set between -10°C and -16°C.

Question 10:

What are the ideal storage conditions and temperature range for a dry store? (Tick the correct box indicating true or false)
True False
Dry storage areas are used for items which are non-perishable, preserved or
long-life treated including oils, cereals, spices and flours.
Dry stores must have limited ventilation and direct sunlight, as it prolongs
shelf life.
Dry goods are often susceptible to deterioration due to moisture and pest
Dry stores should be maintained at low humidity and inspected regularly for
signs of pests.
Dry stores should be kept at between 14°C and 20°C. Higher temperatures
increase the rate of deterioration of dry stores.
There should be limited airflow within the dry stores.

Question 11:

The storage requirements for housekeeping items and chemicals include: (Tick the correct box indicating true or false)
True False
Paper products should not be stored with any other stock item that is likely
to contaminate, stain, or spoil them.
The ideal storage temperature for paper products is 20-22°C.

Linen should be stored where it may receive direct sunlight to keep it crisp.
Linen should be stored separately from other products to reduce the risks of
contamination and spoilage at a temperature of 20°C and 22°C.

Question 12:

How would you store chemicals effectively? Which WHS documentation must be assessable for chemicals?
(Tick the correct answers)

Individual Safety Data Sheets (SDS) give information on correct storage of chemicals delivered to your establishment.
Chemicals must be stored in their own secure designated storage area in order to prevent contamination of food items.
Some chemicals should not be stored together or mixed due to possible reactions or even explosions.
Chemical storage areas should be located in a corner of a dry store for ease of access.
Chemicals are often stored in a lockable cabinet.
Never store chemicals in other containers as this can cause dangerous mix- ups.
Chemicals are usually stored between 14°C and 20°C, but you should always refer to the SDS to be sure.

Question 13:

The storage requirements for the different food groups include: (Answer true or false in space provided)
True or False
Store fresh seafood separately and between 0°C and 2°C, iced, on drip trays
and covered with plastic.

All frozen foods should be well wrapped and frozen between -18°C and -24°C.
Fresh meat and poultry need to be stored in the refrigerator at just above
freezing point (between 1°C and 4°C) on drip trays.
Dairy products will absorb the odor of other food items, so they need to be stored separately from foods with strong odors at a temperature between
2°C and 4°C.
Eggs should be stored in a cool area separate from raw foods such as meat,
salads and vegetables to prevent cross-contamination.
Fruit and vegetables should be stored between 10°C and 15°C.
Beer, wine and spirits are commonly stored between 14°C and 20°C, whilst
fresh juices must be stored between 1°C and 4°C in a coolroom.

Question 14:

Connect the surface of a storage area to the correct procedures for cleaning and sanitizing:

Wash with detergent and water, rinse and dry. A surface disinfectant may be applied and is recommended for cool rooms and immediate areas around food production.
Use a detergent and hot water solution, then rinse well. Check for flaking paint to eliminate potential rust
Wash with a detergent and water and add a sanitiser - allow to dry.
(Modern foam applicators act as a surface disinfectant post cleaning)

Question 15:

Once a delivery has been checked all goods need to be transferred to storage in the following order:

Non-perishables - lasts longer than perishables so can be put away last
Frozen goods - must be put away immediately as they must not be allowed to thaw
Perishables - quality deteriorates rapidly, but not as quickly as frozen items

Question 16:

SafeWork Australia suggests that risks associated with manual handling can be reduced through the following actions:
(Tick the correct answers)

Modify the object
Change how things are moved
Have suppliers stock your shelves
Modify the work area

Use different actions
Request small packages
Modify the task

Question 17:

The following statements regarding safe lifting practices are:

(Answer true or false in space provided)

True or False
If an item is too heavy, get help from a colleague.
Never bend from the knees - bend your back.
Heavy items must be stored on lower shelves.
When moving deliveries you need to ensure that the area is free from
obstacles to prevent falls.
Milk crates and boxes are ideal to store or reach items on higher shelves.

Question 18:

What is the purpose of labeling food items? Which details should be included on a label? (Tick the correct box indicating true or false)
True False

Using labels is an ideal way to be organised and to remember what was done and when.

This applies to everything from simple labels, such as a sticky note up to bar codes and QR codes for product tracking and full nutritional labels.

On a simple level, colour-coded labels are useful for FIFO, as these labels can indicate the day of production or when an item was received.

The essential information which must be provided on a label is the use-by date.

A label should bear the date of production, content and name of person responsible.

Question 19:

Rotating and maintain enough supplies - what does this involve? (Answer true or false in space provided)
True or False
Once stock items have been received and stored correctly, it is necessary to maintain them.
Maintaining stock means to store it in optimum conditions, at the correct temperature and at the correct level.
Perishable items do not need to be checked regularly, provided they are labelled correctly.
Daily checking provides a good opportunity to clean and sanitise storage areas and shelving.
Inspecting your stock levels and quality will form part of your daily, weekly and monthly routines.
Stock sheets are used to give you an indication of the amount of stock on hand, as well as the minimum and maximum stock levels.

Question 20:

How will you store food items which need to be returned to a supplier due to spoilage or damage?
(Answer true or false in space provided)

True or False
If you think there is an issue that was the supplier's fault, e.g. oranges went mouldy within a day, you should remove the product immediately, clean and sanitise the area and report the issue to your supervisor.

Your supervisor will contact the supplier and explain the situation.

The offending items will need to be stored separately to prevent any risks of cross contamination.

If you need to dispose of the items, it is important to use the quickest disposal method regardless of hygiene and environmental impacts.

Some ideas for using or disposing of stock in an environmentally-friendly way include burning and use in staff meals.

Question 21:

Hazardous substances are present in many hospitality operations. Potential environmental impacts and accordingly provisions for disposal include:
(Tick the correct box indicating true or false)

True False
Hazardous substances encountered in a kitchen environment may include detergents, bleach, oven cleaner, paints, fluorescent lights, varnishes and
many more.
Hazardous substances pose serious environmental problems.
When hazardous substances are dumped or flushed into the wastewater system, they can destroy environments quickly and easily.
Toxic substances can leach into the waterways, destroying crops and the marine environments they are exposed to.
Toxic substances should never be flushed down the sink, but disposed of through the grease trap.
Toxic substances should always be disposed of correctly and there are companies that specialise in treating and transporting contaminated waste.

Question 22:

There are several aspects which need to be addressed to maintain storage areas effectively. Connect each aspect to the correct definition:

Cleanliness and sanitation

Observing and reporting

Question 23:

The following methods could be used to identify slow moving stock items in storage areas: (Tick the correct answers)
Analyzing sales data
Observing sales patterns
Checking stock labels
Analyzing wastage records
Using specialist inventory software

Question 24:

Which of the following are advantages associated with a perpetual inventory system? (Tick the correct box indicating true or false)
True False
Accurate continual determination of stock costs since each item and their
original costs are tracked
Simple to use
Stock valuation available at any time of the day, week, month or year
Indicates what is actually on hand
Greater control through analysis which indicates undesirable fluctuations in
stock ordering and usage

Question 25:

Connect the type of stock control documentation to the correct description:

Requisition form
Stock transfer form
Bin card
Stocktake sheet
Purchase order
Delivery docket

Question 26:

Connect the correct security measure to the relevant provision for securing stock during storage:

Access should be limited
Storage areas should be locked
Extra security for precious items
Use a perpetual inventory
Use a secure design

Adequate lighting

Question 27:

Documentation which is commonly used to monitor quality of goods and to action maintenance requirements for storage areas include:
(Tick the correct answers)

Temperature logs
Maintenance requests
Inspection reports
Incident report forms

Question 28:

What are the requirements for controlling pests in food storage and preparation areas? (Tick the correct box indicating true or false)
True False
Good cleaning regimes and pest control management are the best ways to
contain pests.
Appropriate provisions for screens and the elimination of cracks, holes and
damp spots are important measures to keep vermin out of premises.
Fly zappers and fly strips are prohibited in many food preparation areas due
to the risk of bodies contaminating food.
Aerosols are preferred measures to eradicate flying and crawling insects in
food preparation and storage areas.
The Food Safety Standards require that a food business takes all practical measures to prevent pests entering the food premises and takes measures to
eradicate and prevent the harbourage of pests.

Remember that you need to inform your supervisor if you encounter any signs of pest infestation.

Question 29:

True or false?

When using storage equipment such as trolleys and forklifts, it is essential that you use them in the safe and correct manner. Follow all workplace safety instructions, as well as manufacturer guidelines.

Attachment:- Receive and store stock.rar

Reference no: EM133022604

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