What is the importance of learning relaxation techniques

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Reference no: EM133224238

Questions -

Q1. Define the following (word count does not apply to the definitions):

a) Positive reinforcement

b) Negative reinforcement

c) Extinction

d) Generalization

e) Discrimination

f) Shaping

g) Observational learning

Q2. Systematic desensitization was initially developed to address what type of disorder? Provide background information about the development.

Q3. What is the importance of learning relaxation techniques while utilizing systematic desensitization?

Q4. What scale is used to rate anxiety and what is an SUD? Demonstrate usage of this scale via an example.

Q5. Give an example of an in-vivo approach. Do not use an example from the textbook.

Q6. What is the goal of stress inoculation? Briefly describe each phase.

Q7. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was initially developed by Marsha Linehan. Linehan developed DBT as a result of working with what specific behavior problem/disorder? Provide background history about the development of this therapy.

Q8. Which populations would be best suited for treatment using behavior interventions? Which populations would not respond well to these interventions?

Reference no: EM133224238

Questions Cloud

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