What is the identity of the solid

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13884415

The most significant source of natural radiation is radon-222. 222Rn, a decay product of 238U, is continuously generated in the earth's crust, allowing gaseous Rn to seep into the basements of buildings. Because 222Rn is an -particle producer with a relatively short half-life of 3.82 days, it can cause biological damage when inhaled. a. How many particles and particles are produced when 238U decays to 222Rn? What nuclei are produced when 222Rn decays? b. Radon is a noble gas so one would expect it to pass through the body quickly. Why is there a concern over inhaling 222Rn? c. Another problem associated with 222Rn is that the decay of 222Rn produces a more potent -particle producer (half life= 3.11min) that is a solid. What is the identity of the solid? Give the balanced equation of this species decaying by -particle production. Why is the solid a more potent a-particle producer?

Reference no: EM13884415

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