Reference no: EM131150895
Big BOOM Explosives Company produces customized blasting compounds for use in the mining industry. The two ingredients for these explosives are agent A and agent B. Big Bang just received an order for 1400 pounds of explosive. Agent A costs $5 per pound and agent B costs $6 per pound. The customer's mixture must contain at least 20% agent A and at least 50% agent B. The company wants to provide the least expensive mixture which will satisfy the customers’ requirements.
a) Create an EXCEL spreadsheet of LP model showing attention to both accuracy and presentation
b) Use Analytic Solver Platform to verify graphical solution
c) Explain comparison—anything different?
Create Answer report [use report to answer following questions]
d) Which constraints are binding?
e) Which constraints show slack?
Create a Sensitivity Report; perform an analysis by answering questions below.
Is the optimal solution degenerate? Explain why or why not.
Is the optimal solution unique? If not, identify an alternate optimal solution for the problem.
What is the highest value the objective function coefficient X1 can assume without changing the optimal solution?
Will the current solution remain optimal if a binding constraint is increased by 5 percent? Identify and analyze the chosen constraint and Explain.
What is the medial forebrain bundle
: What is the medial forebrain bundle? Discuss the evidence for and against its involvement in reward. In addition, review the evidence showing that the brain's dopamine pathways are critically involved in pleasure and reward.
Identify classes described in the preceding scenario
: Develop a list of attributes for each class. Place the attributes onto the CRC cards - Identify the classes described in the preceding scenario (you should find six). Create CRC cards for each class.
He customers requirements and maximize profit
: The customer wants 500 gallons of wine and it must contain at least 100 gallons of A and be at least 45% B. The customer also specified that the wine have an alcohol content of at least 12%. Wine A contains 14% alcohol while wine B contains 10%. The ..
About how change and development efforts
: Choose a company and write about how change and development efforts will improve the company. Define the issues to be addressed in the company and use OD concepts and theories to provide solutions for the identified issues.
What is the highest value objective function coefficient
: Big BOOM Explosives Company produces customized blasting compounds for use in the mining industry. The two ingredients for these explosives are agent A and agent B. Big Bang just received an order for 1400 pounds of explosive. Is the optimal solution..
What skills and abilities are most critical to success
: What skills and abilities are most critical to success in your specialization? What strengths do you already bring to this area?-
Identify which theory you relate to most and explain why
: Compare person-centered theory with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Use Maslow's hierarchy of needs to discuss the extent to which growth needs influence personality formation.
Determining the meaning of medical terms
: Discuss word root, prefix, suffix and combining form in relation to determining the meaning of medical terms.
Summarize the other main points
: Identify the source (writer and title of essay) and state his or her most important point in your own words. Summarize the other main points and their supporting details in separate paragraphs. Discuss the (1) writer's purpose, (2) genre, (3) audienc..