What is the high and low cutoff frequency

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Reference no: EM131288228

Module 3 Lab: Determining Beta for BJTs

Wire the circuit shown, with Rc = 470 ? and Q = 2N3904

• Record Ib and Ic in the table below for the given values of RB

RB Ib Ic Vbe Vce Beta

• Return the RB value to 470K?,

(A) Squeeze the transistor between your fingers to raise the case temperature, record any change in collector current _______

(B) Put a piece of ice in a plastic bag and hold it on the transistor to reduce the case temperature, record any change in collector current __________
• Describe your perception of the relationship between Beta and case temperature.

• Describe the behavior of Beta vs Ic

Written Assignment 4

Answer all of the following questions/problems and submit them to your mentor.


1. In a transistor circuit, the two extreme ends of the loadline are called:

2. When used as an amplifier, the transistor is usually biased in the region called the _______________ region.

3. The Q point for an amplifier is identified as _______ & _______ , which together determine the power dissipated in the transistor.


1. For the circuit shown, VBB = +10v, Vcc = +30v, RB = 470k?, Rc = 6k? Calculate the operating point for the circuit shown for a Beta value of 90 and for a Beta value of 130.

2. For the circuit shown, Vcc = -10v, R1 = 10k?, R2 = 2.2k?, Rc = 3.6k?, RE = 1k?. Calculate the operating point for the circuit shown. Use IB = IC / Beta and calculate IB for Beta = 90.

Module 4 Lab: AC Riding on DC

R1 = 2.2K? R2 = 4.7K? C = 0.1uF Vdc = +5v Vac = 3v peak f = 1KHz

• Use superposition to calculate the DC voltage at point X VDC = ______

• Use superposition to calculate the AC (peak) voltage at point X VAC = ______

• Sketch what you think the scope will show at X:

• Wire the circuit and connect a scope probe at X, be sure to DC couple the input and set the ground level at the bottom of the scope display, then sketch the results.

Written Assignment 5

Answer all of the following questions/problems and submit them to your mentor.


1. Describe what is meant by the voltage gain of an amplifier.
2. What is the primary purpose of coupling capacitors in transistor amplifiers?


1. If the input voltage to an amplifier is 50mV and the resulting output voltage is 3V, calculate the voltage gain.

2. A transistor is biased with IE = 5mA. Calculate r'e

3. For the circuit shown, calculate:

a. The input resistance at the base of the transistor.
b. The input resistance of the amplifier.
c. The voltage gain.

4. If a circuit requires a capacitor to give good coupling at 200Hz and the resistance the capacitor is connected to is 3Kohms, what value capacitor is needed?

Module 5 Lab: Amplifier Gain and Comparing Constant Bias to VDB

Part I

(A) Wire the circuit shown. [ you will determine the β value from DC measurements]

R1 = 20K?, R2 = 5M? ( two 10M? in parallel ), R3 = 20K?, C = 0.1uF, use 2N3904 for the transistor

• Measure D.C. Vc = _____ and Vbe = _____

• Calculate Ic = ( Vcc - Vc )/ Rc = ______ and IB = ( Vcc - Vbe )/ RB = _____ then β = _____

(a) Verify that Rbe = Rin base = β re'

• Measure A.C. voltages vc = ____ vbe = _____

• Calculate ib = ( 10mV - vbe ) / 20 Kohms = _____

• Calculate ic = vc / 20k? = _____ calculate βac = ic / ib = ______

• Rbe = vbe / ib = _____ re' = 25mV/ IE = _______ ic = βac ib = ____

• Also calculate Rbe = βac re' = _____ does this check with the value above?

(B) To show the effects of changing beta on the Q point.

• Hold your finger on the case to raise the temperature and the Q point should change (Vc goes down) due to the fact that beta goes up as temperature goes up causing an increase in Ic.

• With a piece of ice in plastic bag, hold it on the transistor to cool it; this should cause beta to decrease. The Q point will change again ( Vc goes up ).

Part II

To show the advantage of VDB over CCB

• Wire the VDB circuit shown. The transistor beta value was determined in part A.

• Measure [ D.C.] VB = ____ and VE = _____

• Calculate IE = _____ and re' = _____

• Measure [ A.C. ] vin = _____ and vo = ____

• Now calculate voltage gain by two methods:

o Av = vc / vin = ______ and Av = Rc / re' = _______.

o Do these two values match?

• Next hold your finger on the transistor and notice that the Q point does not change. Change the transistor and again note that the Q point stays constant.

Written Assignment 6

Answer all of the following questions/problems and submit them to your mentor.


1. For each circuit shown, indicate if it is CE, CB or CC amplifier.

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C

2. Show two transistors connected as a Darlington amplifier. If one transistor has a beta of 25 and the other has a beta of 60, calculate the beta value of this combination.


1. For the amplifier shown, if beta = 150

(a) Calculate the input impedance at the base
(b) Calculate the input impedance of the stage.

2. Shown here is a frequency response curve for an amplifier. ESTIMATE the following:

(a) What is the high cutoff frequency ?
(b) What is the low cutoff frequency?
(c) What is the bandwidth?

3. An amplifier has a gain of 500, what is the dB gain?

4. A three stage amplifier system has dB gains of 15dB, 32dB and 6db. What is the overall gain of the system in dB?

Module 6 Lab: Class A BroadBand Amplifier

Wire the circuit shown:

R1 = 68K?, R2 = 10K?, R3 = 10K?, R4 = 200? ( two 100? in series ) , R5 = 2.2K?, C1 = 0.1uF, C2 = 0.1 uF Q1 = 2N3904

• Set the sig. Gen to 50mv RMS. With frequency equal to 10KHz.

• Record vo for the frequencies listed.

f ( KHz) 10KHz 25 KHz 50 KHz 100 KHz 500 KHz 1MHz 2 MHz 3MHz
Calc Av

• Plot Av versus frequency on semi log paper.

Reference no: EM131288228

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