Reference no: EM133478120
Introduction to SketchUp, the built form and land
Assessment: Storytelling skills for urban designers
Learn how to effectively tell a story of 'place' through an urban design lens. Through spatial analysis, which considers qualitative and quantitative aspects of place, this series of weekly tutorial projects will showcase how to utilise various graphic techniques and principles to develop a series of place-based outputs that will be used to weave together a graphic-rich story of 'place' in a narrated form.
This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives:
Develop skills to use a variety of resources and evidence to evaluate urban design problems and prospects in cities
Use 2D presentation and 3D visualisation to explain context, analyse impacts and develop suitable urban design proposals Understand the regulatory and planning framework in which urban design strategies are embedded
Comprehend the urban designer's role and develop a reflective understanding of one's own perspective.
Learn basic SketchUp techniques and how to conceptualise and visually represent built form and land use components of place. Share online resources of introductory understanding of SketchUp and Google Earth. Communicate in video with example project.
Task 3.1:
Utilising SketchUp, represent your ‘key place' in 3D with a minimal level of detail. The model should bring to life the cross-section created in Tutorial 2 and expand in context, conveying nearby relationships of built form, open space and streets in a spatial framework. Try not to focus on communicating the built form in detail at this stage, instead focus on representing the existing condition in built form massing, such as building height, number of storeys, setback and building depth. Ensure 2D information of the street and open space are drawn to scale and place indicators are added to the model, including simple trees, people silhouettes and cars. Rooflines can be communicated to avoid overly simple massing boxes, if desirable.
Once complete, geolocate your model in Google Earth to communicate the context of your ‘key place' within its context. Then produce four different 3D axonometric views as jpeg outputs from SketchUp.
Task 3.2:
Reflect on the built form and its relationship to land use in your ‘key place' and surrounding context. Summarise the place's building height,
residential density, built form types, economic structure and lot sizes. For the street space shown in the section from Tutorial 2, what is the height to width ratio of built form to street space width? Does the space have ‘enclosure', or is it a linear space? The more facts and figures you can identify here, the better. Creative communication is encouraged.
Attachment:- Storytelling skills for urban designers.rar