What is the groups health teaching need

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Reference no: EM133720739

Assignment: Healthy Eating Active Communities Needs Assessment


Health promotion and health teaching are essential functions of the professional nurse. Students in this course will provide instruction on a health topic to a group in the community as part of their clinical requirements. The final product (due in Week 9) will take the form of a recorded video presentation with slides. First, however, you must identify a community group, assess the group's health teaching needs, select a teaching topic aligned with those needs, and draft a teaching plan for your presentation. Review the rubric to see how this critical first step in your Community Teaching Project will be evaluated.


Select the tabs to review details and instructions for each component of this assignment. Be sure to review the rubric as well to ensure that you are meeting the specified criteria.

Step I: Identify a Group

Step II: Create a Needs Assessment

Ensure that you have a thorough understanding of why needs assessments are done and how they work. Explore this resource from the National Institute for Children's Health Equity to get started.

Interview the person who oversees or coordinates your selected group. Get as much information from them as you can. You may consult your instructor and clinical faculty for advice on how to connect with this person and best practices for conducting the interview.

Your Needs Assessment should include demographics and any other information that would help you to understand what type of content, delivery method, and teaching strategies would best meet the group's needs.

Consider the following points:

1) What is the group's health teaching need?
2) Why do you think this group needs this information?
3) What does the research say about such groups overall? (Summarize the research and provide citations.)
4) Why would your topic be important to them?

Find out more information about this group from individuals who work with them.

1) Current status: age, intellectual level, and/or education level.
2) Appropriateness of topic for the participants' age and learning ability.
3) Past experience with the health education topic.
4) Health literacy level of the group.
5) Interest and actual and/or potential barriers to learning.

Reference no: EM133720739

Questions Cloud

How could a patient''s decision be affected in situations : How could a patient's decision be affected in situations where the decisions do not appear to make sense?
What are the potential legal ramifications : What steps would you take at this point? What are the potential legal ramifications? Outside of the legal ramifications, describe the importance of obtaining
Reducing alcohol and other drug harm in teenagers : Focus Area: Reducing alcohol and other drug harm in teenagers. - Provide an overview of the focus area including general overview,
Describe the medical care issues involved in this situation : Describe the medical care issues involved in this situation and Explain which laws and regulations apply to this situation
What is the groups health teaching need : What is the group's health teaching need? Why do you think this group needs this information? What does the research say about such groups overall?
What did you learn about autism : What did you learn about autism that you did not know before or that surprised you? What symptoms or difficulties experienced by individuals with autism stood
Describe how implementation would take place : Describe how implementation would take place. Provide details about any education you need and how you would notify everyone involved before starting.
How does this organization present itself to customers : SPCH 101 Florida Atlantic University- How does this organization present itself to customers, employees, investors or supporters and the surrounding community?
Dietary restrictions due to religious beliefs : An emergency nurse encounters a patient who follows certain dietary restrictions due to religious beliefs.


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