What is the gross valued added at basic prices

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM132488692

Suppose again there are only three companies in an economy. Company A grows crops and extracts minerals from its lands with no inputs from other companies. Its sales are $100m per year, half of which goes to consumers and half to companies B and C in equal amounts. Company B buys inputs from A and sells its entire output of $200m to company C. Company C buys inputs from A and B and sells $450 output directly to consumers (through 20% of this overseas). What is the gross valued added at basic prices? If there is only one indirect tax, value added tax, levied at 10%, what is the value of GDP at market prices?

Reference no: EM132488692

Questions Cloud

Compare gdp-gdp per capita and hdi for egypt : Compare GDP , GDP per Capita and HDI for Egypt , USA , China , Turkey and Brazil for lasr five years
Calculate the annual repayment : A five year government bond valued at $5000 is purchased when the market interest rate is 8%. Calculate the annual repayment.
Gdp using income based and valued added methods : Calculate the GDP using income based and valued added methods.
Calculate the cost of goods sold for Sunny Side Inc : Cash receipt from customer: $300,000 and Cash paid to supplier: $120,000 for inventory. Calculate the cost of goods sold for Sunny Side Inc. for 2020
What is the gross valued added at basic prices : What is the gross valued added at basic prices? If there is only one indirect tax, value added tax, levied at 10%, what is the value of GDP at market prices?
Calculate the gdp for the scenario : Assuming an economy with no government and no foreign trade, calculate the GDP for the following scenario
Compare and contrast the use of government spending changes : Compare and contrast the use of government spending changes versus tax changes as a means of influencing the course of the economy.
Find the long-run growth of physical capital : Find the long-run growth of physical capital, human capital, and output in this economy.
Describe the likely short-run outcome : If the exchange rate is expected to depreciate by 2 percent, which one of the following would describe the likely short-run outcome?


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