What is the goal of humanist psychology

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Reference no: EM131216357

Question 1. Ali's mother asks her to describe what she is learning in her psychology class. Ali responds by saying, "I can give you an example about psychology." Which of the following gives the most accurate view of psychology?

Taking a self-help book off the shelf and reading about human motivation

Watching a television talk show together to listen to psychological explanations of abnormal behaviour

Turning on the radio to hear a call-in talk show facilitated by a therapist

Picking up the newspaper and showing her mom an article based on empirical research

Question 2. An early approach to scientific psychology called ________ emphasized the purpose of behaviour.





Question 3. Applied psychology is the study of psychological issues that have direct, practical significance.



Question 4. Behaviourism is a part of which modern psychological perspective?





Question 5. Credit for founding modern psychology is generally given to William James.



Question 6. Cultural psychologists examine how cultural rules and values, both explicit and unspoken, affect people's development, behaviour, and feelings.



Question 7. Developmental psychologists study how people change and grow over time.



Question 8. Dr. Braun has been treating a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. She decides to write a prescription for Ritalin. Given this information, it is most likely that Dr. Braun is a:


school psychologist.


clinical psychologist.

Question 9. During the early decades of psychology's existence as a formal discipline, three schools of psychological thought became popular. The school of ________ remains alive today, despite passionate debate about whether it belongs in scientific psychology at all.





Question 10. Educational psychologists design and evaluate tests of mental abilities, aptitudes, interests, and personality.



Question 11. Empirical findings are those that:

are conducted in a field setting outside of a laboratory.

rely on observation, experimentation, or measurement.

compare subjects of different ages at a given time.

characterize an entire set of research data.

Question 12. Feminist psychology is an approach that analyzes the influence of social inequities on gender relations and on the behaviour of the two sexes.



Question 13. In North America, Wilhelm Wundt's ideas were popularized by one of his students, ________, who gave Wundt's approach the name "structuralism."

William James

Sigmund Freud

John Watson

E.B. Titchener

Question 14. Match these definitions with the appropriate approach.

A psychological approach that emphasizes free will, personal growth, resilience, and the achievement of human potential.

An early psychological approach that emphasized the analysis of immediate experience into basic elements.

An early psychological approach that emphasized the purpose of behaviour and consciousness.

Relying on or derived from observation, experimentation, or measurement.

A theory of personality and method of psychotherapy that emphasized unconscious motives and conflicts.

1. Empirical
2. Functionalism
3. Psychoanalysis
4. Structuralism
5. Humanism

Question 15. Match these descriptions with the appropriate professional.

A person with a graduate degree who is licensed to provide psychotherapy for severely disturbed people as well as those with less serious problems.

A person with a master's degree and one or two years of supervised experience who may treat general problems in adjustment and family conflicts.

A person who has undergone specialized training using Freud's methods and who has also undergone extensive analysis him/herself.

A medical doctor who has done a three-year residency to learn how to diagnose and treat mental disorders.

Anyone who does any kind of psychotherapy.

3.Clinical psychologist
4.Licensed clinical social worker

Question 16. Professor Brown approaches questions about human behaviour from a perspective which emphasizes bodily events associated with actions, feelings, and thoughts. It is most likely that she accepts which of the following psychological approaches?





Question 17. Psychologists from the sociocultural perspective would be likely to agree that the symptoms of anxiety may be caused by a chemical imbalance.



Question 18. Ralph sees an ad in the yellow-pages for a psychiatrist and realizes that:

the therapist has a Psy.D.

the therapist is likely to take a biological approach to therapy.

the therapist has been trained in psychoanalysis.

the therapist may not have a degree at all.

Question 19. Research psychologists who examine the electrical activity of the brain during an auditory discrimination task would be considered a(n):

experimental psychologist.

industrial-organizational psychologist.

educational psychologist.

developmental psychologist.

Question 20. The first psychological laboratory was officially established by Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig, Germany.



Question 21. The forerunners of modern psychology depended heavily on empirical research.



Question 22. The humanist psychologists:

believed that our behaviour is determined by other people.

believed that people were not capable of free will.

regarded the psychoanalytic approach as too pessimistic.

overlooked human resilience and creativity.

Question 23. The psychodynamic perspective is the thumb on the hand of psychologyconnected to the other fingers, but also set apart from them because it differs radically in its language, methods, and standards of acceptable evidence.



Question 24. The sociocultural perspective is the thumb on the hand of psychologyconnected to the other fingers, but also set apart from them because it differs radically in its language, methods, and standards of acceptable evidence.



Question 25. The term ________ refers to a mental health professional who generally has at least an M.A. and who typically treats individual dysfunction and family problems, but may also deal with serious problems such as addiction or abuse.

clinical psychologist


marriage, family, and child counselor


Question 26. What is the difference between basic research and applied research?

Question 27. What is the goal of humanist psychology?

Question 28. Which modern psychological perspective focuses on how our behaviour is influenced by the other people in our environment?





Question 29. Which modern psychological perspective looks at how people reason, solve problems, and understand language?





Question 30. Which school of thought in psychology emphasized the purpose of behaviour?





Question 31. Which school of thought in psychology evolved into an elaborate theory of personality and method of psychotherapy?





Question 32. Which school of thought in psychology used the method of introspection?





Question 33. Which school of thought in psychology was influenced by the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin?





Question 34. The Structuralist school of psychology

1) emphasized the components of experience that make up consciousness

2) was scientific and rigorous in its examination of the unconscious

3) was spearheaded by John B Watson

4) was interested in the causes of human behaviour

Question 35. An infamous psychologist trained an infant to become afraid of white rats, rabbits and even Randy's white beard. This is because he:

1) hit the child every time he held the white rat

2) hit a metal bar every time he held the white rat

3) hit the child with the rat each time they met

4) hit the rat with a steel bar every time the boy reached for it

Question 36. Research indicates the following effective approaches to studying:

1) memory works best when we study in prolonged periods

2) pharmaceutical supplements can be a valuable tool to aid memory

3) it's best to consume vast amounts of beer the night before an important exam in order to experience the relaxation effect.

4) actively processing material is an effective way to learn material

Question 37. Professor MacLean is studying worker performance and music exposure. She exposes the workers to music and then measures how long it takes for them to complete a work task. She then analyzes and interprets her data before drawing conclusions. Dr. MacLean is relying on what method of inquiry?

1) Intuitive Method

2) Empirical Method

3) Medical Method

4) Para-Psychological Method

Question 38. Which of the following schools of psychology emphasized the role of the unconscious?

1) Psychodynamic

2) Humanistic

3) Neurocognitive

4) Behaviourism

Question 39. Which one is NOT a major goal of psychology?

1) Describing behaviours

2) Predicting behaviours

3) Explaining behaviours

4) Prescribing behaviours

Question 40. Watson's famous study sought to demonstrate:

1) the conditioning of salivation in dogs

2) a conditioned fear response in infants

3) an unconditioned fear response in adults

4) conditioned fear response to snakes

Question 41. Most psychologists today hold that both genetics and experience are important for the development of psychological abilities. The debate over these influences is called the:

1) before and after effects

2) knowledge vs. learning effects

3) nature vs. nurture effects

4) mind vs. body effects

Question 42. Henrik has always been calm and relaxed while his identical twin brother Daniel has always been anxious and nervous. The differences between them helps us to understand the effect of:

1) nature

2) nurture

3) mind

4) body

Question 43. _______ Psychologists use scientific methods to create new knowledge about the causes of behaviour, while ________ Psychologists use existing research to enhance the everyday life of others.

1) Psychodynamic; Research

2) Research; Practitioner

3) Research; Scientific

4) Practitioner; Clinical

Question 44. Fraser is a psychologist who believes that we are the products of biology and physical Learning while Ross is a psychologist who believes that if we can think hard enough we can change ourselves and the world around us. Their discussion is reflective of the:

1) nature-nurture debate

2) humanistic and psychodynamic schools

3) functionalist and structuralist schools

4) the mind-body debate

Question 45. A primary influence on the functionalist school of psychology was:

1) introspectionism

2) the theory of natural selection

3) animal studies

4) theories of unconsciousness

Question 46. Functionalism is to _______ as Structuralism is to _______

1) Titchener, Wundt

2) Freud, James

3) Wundt, Titchener

4) James, Titchener

Question 47. A central premise of the Behaviourist school is:

1) the mind cannot be studied objectively

2) that behaviour cannot be studied objectively

3) that the unconscious cannot be studied objectively

4) that the conscious cannot be studied objectively

Question 48. Twenty-one psychologists meet at a golf course and debate whether they are can make up their own minds about which hole to play or are merely a product of internal and externalforces. They were debating the issue of:

1) free-will vs. determinism

2) mind vs. body

3) nature vs. nurture

4) individualism vs. collectivism

Reference no: EM131216357

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