What is the geographic area for your home

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Reference no: EM133731469

Environmental Quality

This exercise is based upon the online environmental educational tool from EPA's Outdoor Air Quality Data Database. Go to the Air Quality Index Report and answer the below questions.

Question 1. What is the geographic area for your home?

Look up 3 additional geographic areas that you believe might be more polluted that your home town and compare the four. Be specific with your comparisons.

Question 2. Who was the biggest polluter (of the 4) and how does it compare to the rest of the U.S.?

Question 3. If you were working for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), how would you use this information? Recall that in some instances, this information is more than 10 years old!

Question 4. Can you find information online that demonstrates changes (positive or negative) since 2002? For example, if a paper was the biggest polluter in 2002, see if you can find online reports of improvements made to curb the pollutants.

Reference no: EM133731469

Questions Cloud

Provide a presentation that will cover relevant health : Provide a presentation that will cover relevant health and environmental safety topics the parents should know for the first year of life
Prepare a managerial report summarizing the results : Prepare a managerial report summarizing the results of the survey. In addition to statistical summaries, discuss how the magazine might use these results
Propose a solution to a public health problem : Propose a solution to a public health problem (such as obesity prevention and control, environmental health issues, or infectious diseases) at the local
Who you could assume has already read the texts : The problem responses we've been writing up to this point have been largely directed at your instructor, who you could assume has already read the texts.
What is the geographic area for your home : How would you use this information? Recall that in some instances, this information is more than 10 years old and What is the geographic area for your home
Discuss the findings of a decision process audit : The Final Project for this course will be to discuss the findings of a decision process audit and ultimately the recommendations as a result of this audit.
What happens if attachment does not securely develop : Discuss relationship between Attachment and Psychological Development in childhood. Why is it important? What happens if Attachment does not securely develop?
Identify the external stakeholders : Identify the external stakeholders (influencers) whose needs you will have to consider when designing the marketing campaign
Evaluate effectiveness of alternative transportation modes : Evaluating the effectiveness of alternative transportation modes, such as electric vehicles, bicycles, and public transit, in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


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