Reference no: EM131481200
We anticipate that this assignment will take you 2 hours to complete (this may vary by student). This includes time for research, reading of outside materials, critical thinking, writing, revision of text, and reflection on the topic.
Choose either Option A or Option B. Formulate an initial post in which you address the points noted in the prompt for your chosen option.
Option A: Supernumerary Genders
According to the textbook, gender is the social construct that is assigned and learned based on cultural concepts about the nature of sex differences and their place in social life. Pick one of the supernumerary genders discussed in the textbook (e.g., Two Spirits or hijra as discussed in section 5.3), and explain how these genders function within their respective societies.
Option B: Rites of Passage
A rite of passage is a ritual that helps mark a person's transition from one status to another. All cultures have rites of passage to mark these important transitions. With that in mind, choose a rite of passage either from the textbook (see section 6.4) or from your own research. What is the function of this rite within the particular society? How do American rites of passage, such as those you have experienced personally, differ from other rites of passage (see section 6.4, Puberty Rituals)?
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required materials and/or other scholarly sources, and properly cite any sources. Cite your sources in the body of your post and provide a complete reference for each source used at the end of it. By Day 7, respond to at least two of your peers, including one who responded to the option you did not choose. Demonstrate your understanding of the topic by respectfully asking questions, raising new points for consideration, or requesting clarification from your fellow students.