What is the full form of oops

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131516359

Question: 1. What is the full form of OOPS?

2. What is a class?

3. What is an object?

4. List the types of inheritance supported in C++.

5. What is the role of protected access specifier?

6. What is encapsulation?

7. What is abstraction?

8. What is inheritance?

9. Explain the purpose of the keyword volatile.

10. What is an inline function?

11. What is a storage class?

12. Mention the storage classes names in C++.

13. What is the role of mutable storage class specifier?

14. Distinguish between shallow copy and deep copy.

15. What is a pure virtual function?

16. What is an abstract class in C++?

17. What is a reference variable in C++?

18. What is role of static keyword on class member variable?

19. Explain the static member function.

20. Name the data type which can be used to store wide characters in C++.

21. What are/is the operator/operators used to access the class members?

22. Can we initialize a class/structure member variable as soon as the same is defined?

23. What is the data type to store the Boolean value?

24. What is function overloading?

25. What is operator overloading?

26. Do we have a String primitive data type in C++?

27. Name the default standard streams in C++.

28. Which access specifier/s can help to achive data hiding in C++?

29. When a class member is defined outside the class, which operator can be used to associate the function definition to a particular class?

30. What is a destructor? Can it be overloaded?

31. What is a constructor?

32. What is a default constructor? Can we provide one for our class?

33. Which operator can be used in C++ to allocate dynamic memory?

34. What is the purpose of ‘delete' operator?

35. Can I use malloc() function of C language to allocate dynamic memory in C++?

36. Can I use ‘delete' operator to release the memory which was allocated using malloc() function of C language?

37. What is a friend function?

38. What is a copy constructor?

39. Does C++ supports exception handling? If so what are the keywords involved in achieving the same.

40. Explain the pointer - this.

41. What is the difference between the keywords struct and class in C++?

42. Can we implement all the concepts of OOPS using the keyword struct?

43. What is the block scope variable in C++?

44. What is the role of the file opening mode ios::trunk?

45. What is the scope resolution operator?

46. What is a namespace?

47. What are command line arguments?

48. What is a class template?

49. How can we catch all kind of exceptions in a single catch block?

50. What is keyword auto for?

51. What is a static variable?

52. What is the purpose of extern storage specifier.

53. What is the meaning of base address of the array?

54. When should we use the register storage specifier?

55. Can a program be compiled without main() function?

56. Where an automatic variable is stored?

57. What is a container class?

58. What is a token?

59. What is a preprocessor?

60. What are command line arguments?

61. What are the different ways of passing parameters to the functions? Which to use when?

62. What is reminder for 5.0 % 2?

63. Which compiler switch to be used for compiling the programs using math library with g++ compiler?

64. Can we resize the allocated memory which was allocated using ‘new' operator?

65. Who designed C++ programming language?

66. Which operator can be used to determine the size of a data type/class or variable/object?

67. How can we refer to the global variable if the local and the global variable names are same?

68. What are valid operations on pointers?

69. What is recursion?

70. What is the first string in the argument vector w.r.t command line arguments?

71. What is the maximum length of an identifier?

72. What is the default function call method?

73. What are available mode of inheritance to inherit one class from another?

74. What is the difference between delete and delete[]?

75. Does an abstract class in C++ need to hold all pure virtual functions?

76. Is it legal to assign a base class object to a derived class pointer?

77. What happens if an exception is thrown outside a try block?

78. Are the exceptions and error same?

79. What is function overriding?

80. Which function is used to move the stream pointer for the purpose of reading data from stream?

81. Which function is used to move the stream pointer for the purpose of writing data from stream?

82. Are class functions taken into consideration as part of the object size?

83. Can we create and empty class? If so what would be the size of such object.

84. What is ‘std'?

85. What is the full form of STL?

86. What is ‘cout'?

87. What is ‘cin'?

88. What is the use of the keyword ‘using'?

89. If a pointer declared for a class, which operator can be used to access its class members?

90. What is difference between including the header file with-in angular braces < > and double quotes " "

91. S++ or S=S+1, which can be recommended to increment the value by 1 and why?

92. What is the difference between actual and formal parameters?

93. What is the difference between variable declaration and variable definition?

94. Which key word is used to perform unconditional branching?

95. Is 068 a valid octal number?

96. What is the purpose of #undef preprocessor?

97. Can we nest multi line comments in a C++ code?

98. What is a virtual destructor?

99. What is the order of objects destroyed in the memory?

100. What is a friend class?

Reference no: EM131516359

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