What is the freight rate in both volume and weight

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131443581

In this hypothetical situation, you are responsible for shipping material that is measured as volumetric cargo - CBM, which stands for Cubic Meter, to be calculated as length X width X height. Also assume that you will get charged per Freight Ton (weight, or volume, whichever is higher).

1. If the length is 1.6 meters, and the width is 3.2 meters, and the height is 2.8 meters, what is the CBM?

2. If your freight rate is quoted as USD. 10/per freight ton and the weight of the package is 2,500 kilograms, what is the freight rate in both volume and weight?

3. Which freight rate will apply?

Your report can be completed as if being prepared for your current employer, or a previous employer. Your answer should be at least 500 words in length (single-spaced).

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Shipment of materials from one point to another is a very critical component of an organization that does containerisation. Containerisation refers to the process of transporting materials and other goods from one point to another point. The cost of shipping depends on the weight of the materials to shipped and space the occupy in the container.

Reference no: EM131443581

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