What is the factorial notation for design

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM132362768


Part 1 - CONCEPTS from this week's assigned readings and presentations

A researcher wants to investigate whether mindfulness training improves ability for employees to notice positive experiences in the workplace, and if this differs by gender and/or disposition.

  • Employees were randomly assigned to one of two groups: no training or a half-day session.
  • Gender was categorized as male or female.
  • Disposition was categorized as follows: optimist, pessimist or realist.
  • Ability to notice positive experiences in the workplace was quantified using a Likert-based ambulatory assessment. A factorial design was used to analyze the data.

1. How many factors are there?


2. What is the factorial notation for this design?


3. If there is a main effect of Disposition, would Tukey's HSD need to be calculated? Why or why not?


4. What is the dependent variable?


5. How many conditions (cells) are there in the scenario?


6. How many null hypotheses (and thus, F-ratios) are there in this scenario?


Use one of the following key terms to answer each of the following questions.

KEY TERM BANK (separated by commas):

Univariate, Multivariate, meta-analysis, F-ratio, interaction, main effect

7. Use this type of statistics to analyze data when you have more than one dependent variable.


8. This describes the effect of a single variable as if there were no other variables in the study.


Reference no: EM132362768

Questions Cloud

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