Reference no: EM131993538
1 Using the information in Table 12-7, construct a PERT network and answer each of the following questions:
a. What is the expected project completion date?
b. What is the scheduled start and completion date of each activity?
c. which activities are on the critical path?
d. How long can noncritical path activities be delayed without jeopardizing the overall completion date for this project?
2 Assess the impact of the following changes to the time estimated provided in question 12-1. Individually, what is the impact if:
Activity Predecessor New Time Estimate
O. Advertise for new staff N 4
P. Interview for new staff O 6
Q. Select new staff P 1
Collectively, what is the impact of these changes?
12-3 As project manager for the example included in question 12-1, what would you recommend to preserve the original project completion date if activity A was reestimated to take 8 weeks, not the original 4 weeks? Provide details.
Table 12-7 Project to convert a 20-Bed Unit in a Nursing Home to accommodate patients with Dementia
Activity Predecessor Time Estimate(weeks)
A Secure state approval -- 4
B Identify 20 bed unit to be use A 1
C Move existing residents B 1
D Clean space C 2
E Develop architectural plan A 9
F Install new HVAC system E 4
G Install security system E 2
H Move walls, renovate F 4
I Identify new equipment A 1
J Order new equipment I 1
K Unpack and inspect new equipment J 1
L Install new equipment D,K,H 3
M Reassign staff A 1
N Identify new staff needs M 1
O Advertise for new staff N 3
P Interview for new staff O 2
Q Select new hires P 3
R Develop care plan protocols M 1
S Train staff R,Q,M,L 1
T Modify quality assurance plan S 2
U Coordinate with hospital discharge planners T 4
V Complete internal audit U,G 1