What is the essence of marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131602231

Question 1 : What is the first step of the marketing process?
Situation Analysis
Hiring an Ad Agency

Question 2 : Which of the following is NOT one of the four P's of marketing?

Question 3 : The perceived benefit of a product/service relative to its price constitutes its what?
Unique selling proposition
Two p's

Question 4 : Which of the following is an example of primary research (as opposed to secondary research)?

A customer survey
Census reports
Consumer purchase data
Industry sales figures

Question 5 : Carving out a unique position in the minds of consumer so as stand out from the competition is the goal of...
Competitive Differentiation
Consumer Promotion

Question 6 : Which of the following product descriptions reflects a service dominant logic?
Gatorade is a thirst quencher.
Gatorade is sold in many places you frequent.
Gatorade is endorsed by many athletes.
Gatorade tastes better than its competitors.
Gatorade is a sweet, colorful liquid.

Question 7 : What is the essence of marketing 3.0?
Marketing investment must deliver a minimum ROMI of $3.00.
Marketing can be thought of as a simple 3 step process.
All brands need a minimum 3% market share to survive.
Customers are more than consumers; they are collaborators.
All marketing messages must be received at least 3 times to be effective.

Question 8 : What three things constitute the triple bottom line?
Economic value, environmental health and social progress
Revenue, income and profit
Signed, sealed, delivered
Product, price and promotion
Batting average, home runs, runs batted in

Question 9 : What acronym refers to the ratio of money generated in sales by a marketing campaign relative to the amount of money invested?

Question 10 : Which of the following represents a unique selling proposition?
Ruffles rule!
Ruffles is a brand of potato chips.
Ruffles have ridges.
Ruffles come in a bright colored bag.
Ruffles are better than other chips.

Reference no: EM131602231

Questions Cloud

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What is the essence of marketing : What acronym refers to the ratio of money generated in sales by a marketing campaign relative to the amount of money invested?
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List the given quantities in order-smallest to largest : The graph of f(t) in Figure gives the position of a particle at time t. List the following quantities in order, smallest to largest.


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