What is the equivalent annual savings derived from furnace

Assignment Help Financial Accounting
Reference no: EM132997203

Question - A new furnace for your small factory is being installed right now, will cost 438,000, and will be completed in one year. At that point, it will require ongoing maintenance expenditures of $1,200 a year. But it is far more fuel-efficient than your old furnace and will reduce your consumption of heating oil by 3,500 gallons per year. Heating oil this year costs $2 a gallon; the price per gallon is expected to increase by $0.50 a year for the next 3 years and then to stabilize for the foreseeable future. The furnace will last 20 years from initial use, at which point it will need to be replaced and will have no salvage value. (Specifically, the firm pays for the furnace at a time 0, and then reaps higher net cash flows from that investment at the end of years 1 - 20.). The discount rate is 8%.

a. What is the NPV of the investment in the furnace?

b. What is the IRR?

c. What is the payback period?

d. What is the equivalent annual cost of the furnace?

e. What is the equivalent annual savings derived from the furnace?

f. Compare the PV of the difference between the equivalent annual cost and savings to your answer to part a are the two measures the same or is one larger?

Reference no: EM132997203

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