What is the equilibrium price

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM133440686


Demand Equation: Qd = 80 - 2P

Supply Equation: Qs = 18 + 4P

  1. What is the equilibrium price? What is the equilibrium quantity?
  2. Hint: Equate Qd = Qs. Solve for the equilibrium price and then the quantity.
  3. Assume the government places a price ceiling at $5 in the market. What is the quantity demanded? What is the equilibrium?

Reference no: EM133440686

Questions Cloud

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Which countries will be the new global winner : Do you agree or disagree with the opinions expressed in the article? In your opinion, which countries will be the new global winner?
What is the equilibrium price : Assume the government places a price ceiling at $5 in the market. What is the quantity demanded? What is the equilibrium?
Describe an investment decision you : Describe an investment decision you or your company has made. Compute the opportunity costs and benefits of the decision.
What is the average cost of gasoline : What is the average cost of gasoline?
What monopolies are you aware of : What monopolies are you aware of? In your opinion, are monopolies good or bad for the economy, why?
Discuss the 27 amendments to the constitution : Do they provide for and protect your rights? Select one right and discuss if it is equally applied to all Americans. If not, what should be changed or expanded?


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