Reference no: EM133777096 , Length: word count:3000
Learning outcome 1: Retrieve and review engineering management literature from a range of sources.
Learning outcome 2: Identify and justify specific engineering management approaches/tools to manage a current engineering problem.
Learning outcome 3: Communicate and continually develop your management proposal through progressive submission, feedback and response with your project supervisor.
Learning outcome 4: Work independently to review and continuously improve your management strategies in your proposal.
What you need to do
In this assessment you will:
Review feedback from your preliminary proposal and incorporate changes and edits.
Meet with your academic supervisor on a fortnightly basis.
Fill in the supervisor contact form following each meeting. These will be submitted as an appendix. In each meeting, ask your supervisor to review your contact form from the previous meeting and sign it. Email approvals from your supervisor are okay.
Read the engineering management literature around your selected topic. Read textbooks and use the library databases - do not use websites unless they are government websites.
Write your final proposal incorporating further feedback from your presentation (i.e. Assessment 2).
Assessment Task
Task description: You will write a first draft (preliminary) proposal for your project.
You will review your draft proposal and clearly identify how engineering management tools and concepts will help an academic staff member.
You will clearly explain the management concepts and tools that you will use in the project and how this will help the academic staff member in their objective.
Task details
What you need to do:Read these documents:
The Criterion Reference Assessment Sheet.
Review feedback from your preliminary proposal and incorporate changes and edits.
Meet with your academic supervisor on a fortnightly basis.
Fill in the supervisor contact form following each meeting. These will be submitted as an appendix. In each meeting, ask your supervisor to review your contact form from the previous meeting and sign it. Email approvals from your supervisor are okay.
Read the engineering management literature around your selected topic. Read textbooks and use the library database- do not use websites unless they are government websites.
Write your final proposal incorporating further feedback from your presentation (i.e., Assessment 2).
Submit your full proposal to Canvas to two portals, as a .docx. (One will be marked by your academic supervisor for your performance in identifying the problem to be solved. The other will be marked by a management expert.)
Full proposal requirements:
The full proposal is the document that will guide your project: what are the objectives that the academic wants to achieve (the context); what management concepts or tools are suitable?
Title page. Include:
The proposed title of the project
Your name and student number
Your prior engineering qualification area
(e.g. mechanical engineering or civil engineering)
Supervisor's name
Full unit code (e.g. ENN591-1 or ENN593-1)
Introduction. What is the problem or issue for which the academic staff member is looking to you for help? What is the context of the proposed project?
Aims and objectives. In one to two sentences summarise the aim that the academic wants help with. Clearly define 2-4 objectives using 1-4 sentences for each.
Management literature review. What is the engineering management concept and tools that you will implement to help the academic staff member? Only use handbooks, textbooks, course notes, journal articles and other credible sources. Do not use websites or blogs, unless from a government source or industry body. (~1000-1500 words).
Project methodology. Describe and list the tasks that you are going to perform. What will you do? How will you do it? Is data involved? How are you going to collect data? How are you going to analyse the data? Produce a Gantt chart for a 13-week period.
Reference List, use QUT APA referencing for citing academic literature.
Contact forms, 5 completed, signed and dated by your supervisor.