Reference no: EM133720919
Part 1: Anthropology
For the discussion this week, first you will do a little digging!
Share one scholarly source explaining loneliness in the United States today. Briefly summarize the source you find, and include an APA-style parenthetical in-text citation and a full APA-style reference entry citation for the source you locate.
Next, choose one of the social-integration techniques described in the textbook that are used by tribes and/or in chiefdoms and explain why that technique successfully encourages solidarity and social connection between people.
Finally, analyze whether or not such techniques or similar approaches might encourage social integration in your own community.
Could such techniques address the loneliness concerns you identify in your scholarly research? Why or why not?
Could such techniques address the loneliness you and your peers may experience in this course/program?
Part 2: Pathophysiology
Neurologic System: Multiple Sclerosis
Discussion Assignment:
What is the effect of the demyelization on the nerves of an individual who has Multiple Sclerosis?
Why are the medications appropriate?
Why do you think females are at greater risk for MS?
Case Study:
Patient: Myrtle, Newly Diagnosed, (25 years old)
Social History: Homeless, Unemployed, Single,
Nonsmoker; no ETOH (ETOH is an acronym for ethyl alcohol); no illicit drugs
On line college student-struggles to understand material