Reference no: EM133808539
Reaction to Exterminate All the Brutes video: Question: What is the "doctrine of discovery" and how was it used to justify the enslavement of millions of Africans? How was it used to justify the removal of Indigenous Peoples from their land?Discussion Guidelines
The "Expectations" section is meant to clarify behaviors that are and are not permissible in a discussion, while the "Tips for Success" section provides additional suggestions for strengthening your contributions to forums.
Once in a topic area, click the button at the top of a discussion, title, and then post a message. Doing this creates a "thread," within the discussion topic. To respond to a post, click Reply.
Respect the views of others even if you disagree. You may express disagreement but do so without any harsh words or potentially inflammatory remarks. It is okay to disagree with a person's ideas, but it is not okay to attack a person. Try to be descriptive and invoke well-reasoned arguments.
Offensive or abusive language will not be tolerated.
Do not criticize the grammar and spelling of those making responses.
Don't send or post messages using ALL CAPS. It is equivalent to SHOUTING.
Provide a subject for all your posts.
Tips for Success
Think of your posting in terms of a contribution to a dialogue, not a writing exercise. Elaborate a single idea.
Make your posts clear and pertinent. Offer clarifying examples for complex and abstract ideas that pull from course materials.
Open new threads with careful analysis, strong thesis, and supporting evidence. Also, include open-ended questions that invite dialogue.
In response posts, read earlier posts and respond to one that contradicts or supports your own thoughts. Offer evidence that supports the earlier post or your contrasting point of view and ask challenging, open-ended questions. Or add to a post that is lacking evidence or seems to fall short on an aspect that is important to you.
Accept some responsibility for the success of the discussion. Return to the discussion and respond to anyone who has responded to you to get the dialogue going. If the discussion appears to be confused or off-topic, simply say so or ask for help in understanding the point or relevance of remarks you do not follow.