Reference no: EM131650725
1. When denying a claim from an irate customer who is threatening and overstates the claim, how can you remain professional and fair?
2. What is the primary difference between the direct and the indirect strategies?
3. When would you be more inclined to use the direct strategy in delivering bad news?
4. What is a buffer? Name five or more techniques to buffer the opening of a bad-news message.
5. Why should you apologize to customers if you or your company erred? What is the best way to it?
6. In delivering bad news, name five techniques that can be used to cushion that news.
7. What is a process used by many business professionals in resolving problems with disappointed customers in print?
8. How can negative online comments be turned into positive growth for an organization?
9. How can a subordinate tactfully, professionally, and safely deliver upsetting news personally to a superior?
10. What are some channels that large organizations may use to deliver bad news to employees?