Reference no: EM131192101
Directions: Answer each question in your own words. DO NOT copy material from the textbook, the internet or any other source! All homework is subject to plagiarism scan. Read each assigned chapter with an effort to understand the material. Once you have an understanding of the material provide detailed answers in your own words and according to your own understanding. Note: Simply rearranging the words in the textbook (e.g. definitions or words in a paragraph) does not constitute your own words. By your own words, we mean your own understanding!
These are short essay format questions which means that all questions should be addressed using multiple paragraphs, not sentences!
1.) In your own words describe then compare and contrast the differences between Structuralism as originated with Wilhelm Wundt and Edward Titchener and Functionalism as conceived by William James. You will need approximately three large paragraphs.
2.) Using your own words describe Behaviorism. How does learning occur according to Watson? What is the major difference between behaviorism and humanism? You will need approximately three paragraphs.
3.) In your own words describe Psychoanalysis. What is the cause of "nervous disorders" according to Freud? How does personality form according to Freud? Hint: Psychoanalysis is a psychodynamic theory. You will need approximately three paragraphs.
4.) What is the difference between psychology and psychiatry? You will need approximately one paragraph.
5.) Describe the biopsychological perspective. What does it say about the causes of human behavior? You will need approximately two paragraphs.
6.) Describe case studies (aka case histories). If a researcher wanted to put together a case study (or many case studies) of people with schizophrenia, what types of things might we expect to see included in it? You will need approximately two large paragraphs.
7.) Describe naturalistic observation. Why is naturalistic observation often preferred over other types of observation? What are some of the limitations of naturalistic observation? You need approximately three paragraphs.
8.) Describe in detail the Correlational Method, including the Correlational Coefficient, and positive and negative correlations. What does it mean when a researcher finds that there is a positive correlation between SAT scores and freshman year GPAs? You will need approximately three large paragraphs.
9.) Describe the Experimental Method. What are the limitations of the Correlational Method compared to the Experimental Method? You will need approximately two large paragraphs.
10.) An experimental psychologist interested in the effects of psychomotor stimulants believes that an injection of 2.0 mg/kg meth amphetamine will produce a withdrawal state characterized by a decrease in feeding behavior. The scientist obtains 24 adult male rats. The researcher then divides the 24 rats into two groups of 12. He administers the first group of 12 rats an injection of 2.0 mg/kg meth amphetamine. The second group of 12 rats he administers an equivalent amount of saline solution (saline is simple salt water solution that should have no effect on the rats). He then places both groups in an apparatus that monitors the amount of time that the rats spend feeding. After 24 hours of monitoring the rats, he notices that the rats administered meth amphetamine spent far less time engaged in feeding behavior than did the rats administered saline solution.
- What is the independent variable in this study?
- What is the dependent variable in this study?
- Which group is the control group?
- Which group is the experimental group?
Implementing a process in an organization
: What are the different cost elements involved in implementing a process in an organization?
Two command line arguments
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: How effective were Amelia Chi's techniques in recruiting new employees? Is there any current discrimination among the employees who work in the department compared to the local demographics
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What is the difference between psychology and psychiatry
: In your own words describe Psychoanalysis. What is the cause of "nervous disorders" according to Freud? How does personality form according to Freud? Hint: Psychoanalysis is a psychodynamic theory. You will need approximately three paragraphs.
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Create a budget
: Create a budget for yourself.- Budget must, at minimum, include: • At least five rows. These should be your expenses- A formula to calculate the total of each row. - Twelve columns, one for each month.