What is the difference between hunger and food insecurity

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Reference no: EM133446529

"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." is a saying that is thrown around a lot especially in regards to hunger and food insecurity. There are many different ideas and theories about how to combat this. Read the articles below and watch the videos listed at the bottom of this page to answer the 13 questions below :

What is the difference between Hunger and Food Insecurity.
What is a food desert? (google it and cite your definition).
What is the connection between poverty/food insecurity/food deserts and obesity in children and adults? How does poverty create obesity?

What are the differences between quick fixes (giving food or putting vitamins in processed food and handing it out it to those in disasters and/or famine) AND the development of sustainability (such as in the Borgen article and forest garden farming video)?
Do you think we should just rely on one of these practices or is there a need for both types of aid (from #4 above)?
What are some things that may get in the way of proper aid for hunger? Include Aid Programs like First Aid/Action Against Hunger/World Food Program , politics, war, food expiration rules and laws..... etc?
Have you had any experience with aid organizations, volunteering at food banks, food kitchens, homeless shelters etc.? If so, what did you think?
What are some ways that we can help with hunger in our own backyard (city/town) as well as across the globe?
From the RTS article how much food waste is there every year in the world/globally? How much food waste is there in the United States? What country has the most food waste?

Talk about the food waste in grocery stores, restaurants, farming and your own home? ( from the RTS article and footprint article and last article).
What do the articles (from below) state that food waste has an the environment (cite your articles)?

What are some simple steps you personally can take this month to decrease food waste?
What from this assignment did you learn that was the most impactful and/or eye opening to you?

Reference no: EM133446529

Questions Cloud

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Conduct an online search of current literature : Conduct an online search of current literature to determine the magnitude of vitamin A deficiency in the world. Also, what actions have world health experts
What is the difference between hunger and food insecurity : What are some simple steps you personally can take this month to decrease food waste? What from this assignment did you learn that was the most impactful
Describe the 1950s as an era of conformity : Many historians have described the 1950s as an era of conformity, old-school morality, and traditional values, and the 1960s as an era of liberation.
Elaborate on the role of genetics and environment : Elaborate on the role of genetics and/or environment on brain development. Choose a specific neurological disease, psychological disorder, or teratogenic
What are the current hypotheses and explanations : What are the current hypotheses and explanations for increase in metabolic risk in relation to adipocyte location?
What organ is considered to be your mail delivery service : What organ is considered to be your mail delivery service in your body due to its role as a gatekeeper between substances absorbed from


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