What is the difference between diagnosis and prognosis

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133543209


Essay Assignment Directions: Read the information below and then do some research to help you determine a final diagnosis for Mr. Olaf Be sure to consider your differential diagnosis from Part A as well as all the symptoms and lab results from part B (below) Answer each question using complete sentences and proper grammar on a blank document using Word or Google Docs) Attack your submission and keep mind that your assignment will be submitted through turnitin.com Include a list of your specific sources in CSEMLA or APA format.

Answer the following questions :

1. What test results lead to your diagnosis? Be specific about how the results allowed you to narrow your differential diagnoses one disease. Make sure you consider ALL of the test results as you make your final

2. How did you eliminate the other conditions from your differential diagnosis ? Be specific

3. What risk groups are associated with this condition? Why might these populations be at additional risk?

4. What treatments are used for the condition?

5. What is the difference between diagnosis and prognosis? Include a definition of each term in your answer

6. What is Mr. Olaf's prognosis? Explain your reasoning.

7. List your resources in CSEMLA or APA formatyou do not cite your sourcesyou will not get any credit for the assignment

Part B Scenario: Mr. returned to his physician who directed him to the nearest hospital where a wound culture and blood sample were obtained for further evaluation While the lab results pended Mr. Olaf was placed on penicillin and monitored overnight Several hours later , Mr. presented with pain disproportionate to the trauma and spreading redness and discoloration blisters fatigue and a fever of 102 An MRI was also ordered Download Mr. test results.

Reference no: EM133543209

Questions Cloud

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Why do plants generally thrive when watered with 100% h2o : Why do plants generally thrive when watered with 100% H2O?
What is the difference between diagnosis and prognosis : What is the difference between diagnosis and prognosis? Include a definition of each term in your answer.
What effect does this have on the validity of the discovery : Find an example of a scientific discovery or observation (recent or in the past five years) that you believe misses this step of the scientific method.
Is this different or the same in a prokaryote : Where in the cell do mRNA and amino acids on tRNAs come together to make a protein in a eukaryote? Is this different or the same in a prokaryote?
How should the ph of a solution in the acidic beaker : How should the pH of a solution in the Acidic beaker compare to that in the Basic beaker before any acid or base is added? Why?
Describe cellular respiration : Describe cellular respiration. Discuss differences with photosynthesis.


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