What is the difference between data and information

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131295541

Question 1:

1. What is the difference between Data and Information?

2. To have an effective communication you need to meet two conditions, mention these conditions.

3. What is the difference between painting packages and drawing packages?

4. What are the two mechanisms used to translate a program written in a high-level language into a machine language? Explain the two mechanisms

5. Mention two disadvantages of reading and writing programs in a machine language?

Question 2:

1. Use truth table to check if the following two Boolean expressions are equivalent or not:

Boolean expression 1: NOT (P AND Q)
Boolean expression 2: NOT P AND NOT Q

2. For the given numbers, find their equivalent in the specified base. Show your steps.
(11100101011)2 = ( )10
(128)10 = ( )8

3. If the image contains 800 x 600 pixels, with RGB coloring system, how many megabytes are required to store this image as a bitmap inside the computer?

Question 3:

1. Consider the following structure:

Write ‘Hello'
Read the grade of the student
If ((the grade is less than 0) OR (the grade is greater than 100)) Write ‘The grade is not correct'
Else If (the grade is not less than 50) Write ‘Passed'
Else {
Write ‘Sorry, ‘ Write ‘Failed'
Move to the next line Write ‘Thank you'

a. Does the given structure involve selection, repetition, both or none of them?

b. Draw a flowchart diagram which represents the given structure.

c. What will be the exact output when the grade has the following values? -10, 0, 40, 50, 90, 100, 110


(the grade is less than 0) OR

(the grade is greater than 100)

(the grade is not less than 50)






























Use the above algorithm to trace the grade values and then print the output.

2. Consider the flowchart diagram shown below to answer the following questions:


a. How many times will the loop be executed?
b. What is the output after all instructions have been executed?
c. What will happen if the condition (j<=0) and the j=j-1 in the rectangle box?

3. Write an algorithm that reads two values, determines the largest value and prints the largest value with an identifying message.

A. Specify the control instruction if the algorithm has any?

B. If the user enter the VALUE1=5, and VALUE2= 8, use the trace table to verify the algorithm results?

Reference no: EM131295541

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