What is the difference between a religion and a cult

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133555807


What is the difference between a religion and a cult? How are cults and religions related and how do they differ?

  1. Responses MUST be complete thoughts. No bullet lists. I should be able to determine what you are writing about without referring to the questions. Use proper English. No jargon not found in the book. No text language. This assignment must be 250 -500 wo rds. You must cite your sources.
  2. Be reasonable in your answers. Foul or inappropriate language, abusive, aggressive, biased, bigoted, or racial remarks warrant immediate failure for the discussion forum and potentially for the class.

Reference no: EM133555807

Questions Cloud

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What is the difference between a religion and a cult : What is the difference between a religion and a cult? How are cults and religions related and how do they differ?
Come up with a theory of action to evaluate : Teachers and teacher leaders should consistently be engaging in self-reflection and self-improvement. Teachers should also be looking for opportunities
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How does the website support religious commitment : How does the website support religious commitment and ritual along with dealing with the dying process and grief?
Promote understanding across diverse groups : promote understanding across diverse groups. Address any difficulties with appropriate people and sought assistance when required.


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